P. 9

MEDIA JAYA | 04 2020

              COVID-19 Related Terms

                     Corona Virus      COVID-19          SARS-CoV-2           ODP               PDP
                    (Coronavirus)   The name of disease   The name of the new   Persons under   Patients under
                 A family of virus which   caused by the new   Corona virus which   Observation.  Surveillance.
                   causes disease in   Corona virus,   causes COVID-19.
                 animals and humans.  SARS-CoV-2.

                      Suspect        Social distancing      Work From Home    Isolation       Rapid Test
                   People who are   An effort to maintain   To work from home.  An effort to control the   Early-screening
                  suspected of being   social distance with             transmission by limiting   method to detect IgM
                  infected by the virus   others by limiting any          the mobility of the   and IgG antibodies in
                   because of direct   kind of mass gathering.               patients.     the body to fight the
                 contact (with patients)                                                        virus.
                  or shows COVID-19

              er) to house a total of 700 medical   good even when the practices faced   sity, air quality, house occupancy and
              workers during the pandemic. They   difficulties.                 many others, while the public health
              also accomodate them with TransJa-  “It’s good what our Governor had   risks would be estimated based on the
              karta shuttles from the hotels to their   done to break the chain of COVID-19   numbers of smokers and elder people
              assigned hospitals.              transmission. Even if they face dif-  which are quite high.
                 The Head Director of Jakar-   ficulties  because of  some  factors,”   Nevertheless, Jakarta was told to
              ta Tourisindo, Novita Dewi explained   he  said  to  Media  Jaya.  The  factors   be more ready than other provincies to
              that besides accomodations, the hotel   he mentioned including the authority   overcome COVID-19, given their prep-
              management also provided the nurs-  limits for the Pemprov Jakarta’s poli-  aration of medical facilities and work-
              es’ basic needs like foods and drinks.  cies , as well as the high mobility of   ers, ands their high allocation of re-
                 Even when it’s under several red   people from Jakarta’s surrounding ar-  gional’s expenditure budget (APBD).
              zones, Jakarta was valued to be the   eas.                        According to the data from the Minis-
              most prepared city to face COVID-19.   In previous research about  COV-  try of Health, there are 189 hospitals
              Numbers of policies  made by Pem-  ID-19 Vulnerability Index by Katadata   in Jakarta with the capacity of 23,973
              prov were considered rightful to be   Insight Center (KIC), Jakarta became   patients.
              implemented to cope this pandemic.   the worst vulnerable city in Indone-  Speaking of budget, Pemprov DKI
              Trubus Rahadiansyah, a public policy   sia to face this pandemic, given three   has allocated big amount of money
              expert at Trisakti University, said that   factors which are the area character-  (Rp 3,032 trillion) to prevent and han-
              Pemprov DKI has been agile to over-  istics, the public health and high mo-  dle COVID-19 in Jakarta. The allocated
              come COVID-19 transmissions. Many   bility.                       fund will be used until May and might
              policies that has been made by the Ja-  The area characteristics would be   be added depend on the needs.
              karta Governor were also considered   estimated based on population den-                      yen/nis
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