P. 7
MEDIA JAYA | 04 2020
post at the Command Center of Ja- formed. Since the end of January, Ja- port if there was any suspected cases
karta Health Agency. This post is a 24- karta’s Health Agency have released a of COVID-19 in their area, or if there
hour service which can be accessed by Circular Letter (SE) to all companies was any employee or residents who
all of the Jakarta people, in order to and managements of buildings, shop- have just returned from abroad, es-
educate as well as to monitor update ping centers and apartments. In that pecially from the countries affected by
from this disease. People can also ac- SE No.21/SE/2020 which have been the COVID-19.
cess informations through corona.ja- signed by the Head of Jakarta’s Health Agency Widiastuti, Pemprov DKI asked Social Restrictions
As a matter of fact, Pemprov DKI all of the mentioned parties to conduct
had began the effort to control this socializations and educations regard- Two weeks after the first cases
disease—which have been infect- ing the COVID-19. All businessmen were occured, Pemprov DKI declared
ing over 3 billions people globally— and managers of building and apart- Jakarta’s status as COVID-19 Non-
long before the Response Team was ments were being asked to make a re- Natural Disaster Emergency. This step