P. 8
1. The Jakarta’s City
Parks workers disin-
fected the protocol
streets in Kramat
Jati area, Jakarta.
2. Disinfecting pub-
lic facilities along
Sudirman Thamrin
8 street using fire
Dharma W.
were taken due to the rapid transmis- ties from home, in order to avoid in- they are able to maintain distance to
sion of COVID-19. teractions and potential transmission. each other, “ explained the Head of Ja-
When Anies declared the status on He also banned people to travel out- karta’s Transportation Agency, Syafrin
March 20th, at least 224 people had side of Jakarta to prevent COVID-19 Liputo. All of people who uses pub-
been confirmed positive COVID-19, transmission in other regions. lic transportations have to wear face
with patients under surveillance (PDP) From the transportation sectors, masks.
reached 447 people and persons un- Pemprov DKI had restricted the use
der observation (ODP) reached 1,028. of public transportation, for it is con- Appreciation and Medical
The mortality rate is also high, reach- sidered as susceptible place to trans- Preparation
ing 10 percents. mit the virus. Routes and operation-
To anticipate the spikes, Pemprov al hours of Transjakarta, MRT and Besides preparing referral hospi-
DKI launched several measures to re- LRT were being cut. Pemprov also re- tals, Pemprov DKI also took care of the
strict areas and limit social interac- moved the odd-even scheme. medical workers as the front-liners in
tions, such as closing all tourist desti- Eventhough it was reoperated nor- handling COVID-19 patients. There are
nations including city parks, exhibition mally, the operational hours of Jakar- approximately 17,500 doctors, 27,000
buildings and eight museums. Pem- ta’s public transportations are being nurses and 900 medical workers who
prov DKI also dismissed schools, of- cut again due to the implementation fight this pandemic in Jakarta.
fices for private and government em- of Large Scale Social Restrictions As to appreaciate their work, Pem-
ployee, as well as suspending every (PSBB) in April 10th. prov DKI managed to change the func-
religios activities in houses of worship. “We have limited total passenger tion of four city-owned hotels (Grand
In every chances Anies would al- both on the bus and at the bus stations Cempaka Business, D’Arcici Al-Hijrah,
ways reminded the people to do activi- strictly. It cant exceed 50% to ensure D’Arcici Plumpang and D’Arcici Sunt-