Page 10 - MEDIAJAYA 4 EDITION 2020
P. 10
TOP REPORT Breaking The Chain of
COVID-19 Transmissions
The Capital City of Jakarta was set to impose Large Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) policy.
Several public activities are being restricted.
1. The empty street
of Jakarta in PSBB
2. Public maintains
physical distance when
waiting for a bus in
Hotel Indonesia area,
Central Jakarta.
Dharma W.
he Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies ID-19 was found, number of cases in Ja- (PSBB) in the Handling of COVID-19 in
Baswedan was relaxed. His karta was always increasing. According the capital city.
Tpleading to impose Large Scale to the data at, un- The decree, which consists of 28 ar-
Social Restrictions (PSBB) in Jakarta til May 1th 2020 there are 4,283 positive ticles, stipulates several activities to be
was finally being granted by the Health cases, 427 cases of recovered patients restricted. Such restrictions like learn-
Ministry Terawan Agus Putranto. The and 393 death. 2,151 people were still ing activities at schools, work activities
agreement letter was signed on April under treatment and 1,312 people were at offices, religious activities at houses
6, making Jakarta the first province to doing self-isolations. of worships, activities at public places,
implement PSBB policy in order to fight Therefore, on April 10th 2020 Anies social and cultural events, people’s and
COVID-19 pandemic. Baswedan imposed the Large Scale So- good’s mobility using transportation
After getting the permission from cial Restrictions in Jakarta. As the legal modes.
the Health ministry, Anies immediate- basis for the implementation of PSBB, In a nutshell, the decree enforced
ly taking steps to protect the Jakartans Anies issued Gubernatorial Decree people of Jakarta to stay at their homes
from the potential risk of COVID-19 in- (Pergub) No.33/2020 on the Implemen- and to do their activities only at home
fection. Since the first cases of COV- tation of Large Scale Social Restrictions and to limit their outdoor activities. It