Page 15 - MEDIAJAYA 4 EDITION 2020
P. 15
MEDIA JAYA | 04 2020
always keep their eyes on their peo- ing subditsrict, Sempper Barat, North to support Pemprov DKI to fight COV-
ple. “We always do our best in order to Jakarta and Kalideres subdistrict, ID-19 disease. They are Rumah Yatim,
avoid COVID-19 in this RW,” explained West Jakarta also doing the same Fuqing Jakarta Association, JNE and
Danang Wijanarko, the head of Sunter thing. They implement several health Alfamart.
Agung subdistrict. protocols to avoid COVID-19 transmis- Head of Jakarta’s Communication,
He then explained that the RW sion, such as limiting access to the Information and Statistic agency Ati-
level-taskforces would regularly dis- residential areas and providing hand- ka Nur Rahmania explained that the
infect the area and give socialization wash posts, completed with the soaps, KSBB is a platform to help directing
on how to avoid COVID-19 transmis- at numbers of public facilities. people who wants to give assistance
sion by setting banners in numbers of Meanwhile, Pemprov DKI still ad- to the needful ones. It aims to help
public facilities. They also dismiss any vising people to always do their work, the communities, especially the ones
mass gathering. prayer and learning activities from facing economic difficulties by the im-
Similar procedures are conducted home, in order to minimize the po- pact of Large Scale Social Restric-
by the RW-level taskforce in Klender tential risk of contracting the disease. tions (PSBB) measures. This KSBB
subdistrict, East Jakarta. Besides re- The use of RT/RW taskforces are con- program targets institutions, such as
stricting people’s mobility and disin- sidered an effective way to protect the the vulnerable RWs, orphanage foun-
fecting areas, they ensure every peo- people, said Anies, if it’s done accord- dations, nursing homes, disabilities
ple who are going outside to maintain ingly from the RT/RW level to the re- home care, dhuafa/orphans boarding
health protocols by using masks and gional head level. school (Pesantren), and other priority
hand gloves. locations.
Every neighborhood units (RT) KSBB Program One of the responses from this
have to look after their people. They KSBB program is Jakarta Care Line,
have to stay at home unless there is Another form of collaborational which was launched on May 2nd 2020
something urgent. They are also not work in order to fight the pandemic is by the Governor Anies Baswedan. Ja-
allowed to have visitors. The taskforc- the Large-Scale Social Collaboration karta Care Line is a movement from
es will also look after their people who (KSBB). Through this program, Pem- Aksi Cepat Tanggap to provide free
are in vulnerable groups such as preg- prov DKI asks the communities to join food assistance with technology- 15
nant woman, elderly and sick people,” in unity to fight COVID-19. As the re- based platform as a solution to meet
explained Lis, one of the taksforce sult, several numbers of new collab- the needs of food for Jakarta people
member at Klender subdistrict. orators has emerged. There are four who are affected by the COVID-19 pan-
The RW-level taskforce at Cilinc- new collaborators who has commited demic. sya
1. Governor Anies
Baswedan received
assistance from the
Entrepreneurs Care
for The Republic of
Indonesia at the City
Hall’s pendopo.
2. Chairman of The
Indonesian Cham-
ber of Commerce
and Industry (Kadin)
Rosan P Roeslani
giving assistance
of 100,000 rapid
test kits, 105,000
masks and 300
health protective
gears (APD) to the
Governor of Jakarta
Anies Baswedan.
Dharma W.