Page 17 - MEDIAJAYA 4 EDITION 2020
P. 17

MEDIA JAYA | 04 2020

                 Meanwhile, if we want to know the   6 Things to Search on      like the names and the adddresses of
              trend of COVID-19 updates, we can       the patients.
              see the graphic provided under the ti-                    COVID-19?
              tle “National COVID-19 Update Trend”                              KSBB Feature
              . We can also see the Daily New Cas-  COVID-19?
              es graphic to know whether the trend                                 For those who want to participate in
              is declining or increasing.                                       a collaboration to handle COVID-19, the
                 The web also provides the graphic                     website has pro-
              of The Accumulated Use of Rapid Diag-  1.  Data                   vided us with Large-Scale Social Col-
              nostic Tests, which shows us the total      - COVID-19 monitoring data   laboration (KSBB) feature. This feature
              number of tests and its results (posi-  (confirmed cases, PDPs, ODPs   has  all  informations  regarding  KSBB
              tives or negatives). We can see the   and others)                 and its mapping, including the account
              graphic of total funerals, too, (done      - Social Assistances (total   number of every official distributors for
              with the standardized funeral protocols   recipients, distributio map and   KSBB. We can also access informa-
              for COVID-19) from March 2  until now.     - Visualizations       tions regarding the types of packages
                 Besides COVID-19 related-data, the   2.  Maps                  and its value.
              web also provides information about      - Cases Map                 The collaborators can check on the
              the Social Assistance. On this feature      - Chronology Map      distribution progress through this fea-
              we can see the distribution mapping      - Spread of Transmission Map  ture. It will show  you the  number of
              and monitoring which have been de-  3.    Publications            accumulated recipients; the RWs, or-
              livered to five different municipal areas      - COVID-19 related Infographics  phanage foundations, nursing homes,
              in Jakarta. When you click on a dot in      - Press Releases      disabilities home care and dhuafa/or-
              the map, it’ll show you the data of every   4.  KSBB              phans boarding schools (pesantren).
              Subdistricts name, Community Units      - Informations about KSBB  You can also check on the distribution
              (RW), types of social assistances and      - Platforms for KSBB   progress through the Distribution Map
              also the total number of families (KK)   5.  Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ)  which will show you the details of area,   17
              who received the assistances.         - Questions and answers     districts, subdistricts, RWs, families,
                 If you want to know the detail in-  regarding COVID-19 and social   as well as the administrators’ names
              formation regarding the assistance in   assistances during Large Scale   who are responsible for the distribution
                                                    Social Restrictions (PSBB)
              your area, you can click on the Sub-                              process in their assigned areas.
              districts table below the map. You only   6.  Contact                If you want to access all informa-
              need to type the name your Subdistrict      - Self Isolations     tions regarding COVID-19, you can pro-
              and the recipient RWs and KKs will be      - List of referral hospitals for   ceed to the Publication and FAQ fea-
              shown immediately.                    COVID-19                    tures. On Publication section, you will
                                                                  Infographics/Fandy A  be directed to a site where you can ac-
              Mapping Feature                                                   cess all publications regarding CO-
                                                  Yet, to complete your research,   VID-19 diseases and its mitigation,
                 This feature provide us with three   this web also provide the map of chro-  provided in infographics and press re-
              different maps including Cases Map,   nology and the update of COVID-19 in   leases launched by the Jakarta’s Pro-
              Chronology Map and the Spread of   Jakarta. You can check the details of   vincial Government. You can also check
              Transmission Map. The Cases Map   every cases regarding their status, his-  on the FAQ feature, which will provide
              shown in dots to depict positive cases   tory of visits and treatments, contact   you with answers regarding COVID-19.
              of COVID-19, the cases of people who   tracing and the history of illness. This   If you need to know the refferal
              are currently waiting for the results   chronology and update map is shown   hospitals for COVID-19 treatment, you
              and also the refferal hospitals for COV-  by different colors of lines that depicts   can click on the “Contact Us” button.
              ID-19 treatment. When you click on one   each cases. If we click on one particu-  On this site, you can see the address of
              of the dots in CASES MAP, it will show   lar line, we can see the data of the pa-  Jakarta’s Response Team, along with
              you the informations regarding the to-  tient’s case number, their status, loca-  its emergency call number and the list
              tal cases, patients’ status, gender and   tion and history of illness, as welll as   of referral hospitals.
              age. You can also see the total number   the tracked locations of their visits. But
              of cases in each area. This data derived   the web doesnt provide the crucial de-
              from each subdistricts.          tails of the patients; you cant see data                               sam/nis
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