Page 16 - MEDIAJAYA 4 EDITION 2020
P. 16

Getting COVID-19                              Through the website,

                                                                     public can access COVID-19 related
       TOP REPORT  Information by Your                               informations such as cases data, cases map
                                                                     and the update of mitigation as well as the
                                                                     social assistance.

                                                                                                  Public may access
     16                                                                                           corona.jakarta.
                                                                                         to look for
                                                                                                  informations and
                                                                                                  data regarding
                                                                                                Safran H.

              A    mid the pandemic, public needs   data related to COVID-19.   patients who are under self-isolations.

                                                  There are two important informa-
                                                                                The data shown divided into two differ-
                   mitigation update on this virus
                                               ture, which are COVID-19 Monitoring
              which had killed millions of people in   tions provided under the “Data” fea-  ent groups, which shows the total con-
                                                                                firmed cases nationally and in Jakarta
              the  world.  Therefore,  the  Provincial   and Social Assistance features. If you   only. Meanwhile, the data of ODPs and
              Government of Jakarta (Pemprov DKI)   want to know the update on COVID-19   PDPs only show us the total of those
              has asked people to monitor COVID-19   cases, you should click on the COV-  confirmed in Jakarta only. The data
              updates  through   ID-19 Monitoring button to see updat-  was collected through each healthcare
              This website shows the government’s   ed data of COVID-19 cases in Jakarta,   facilities in Jakarta and it’s always be-
              transparency.                    including total confirmed cases, total   ing updated everyday.
                 So how is the website and how to   number of Person Under Observations   The  ODP  data  provides  the  total
              use it? Media Jaya has tried to acccess   (ODP) and Patients Under Surveillance   cases of ODP, including the currently-
              the website and its various features.   (PDP).                    under observation ODPs and the recov-
              Basically, this website shows us every   On the confirmed cases data, they   ered ODPs. The same thing applies on
              informations related to COVID-19 cas-  provide data of total patients who are   PDP data. It shows us the currently-
              es data and its transmission mapping   getting intensive care, patients who   under surveillance PDPs and the PDPs
              in Jakarta, including every publication   have recovered, total deaths and also   who have recovered and being home.
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