Page 11 - MEDIAJAYA 4 EDITION 2020
P. 11
MEDIA JAYA | 04 2020
aims to break the chain of COVID-19 of violations made by the people in the the disciplinary acts towards both the
transmission. “We hope that these first two weeks of phase I-PSBB. Such still-operating companies and to the
strategies will cut or break the chain of violations are mass gathering and still- people who still gather around. The dis-
COVID-19 transmission,” Anies said in a operating companies. “I would like to ciplinary acts will be taken towards vi-
press conference at the City Hall. inform all of you that if we want to end olator companies who are not listed as
Such strategies will be conduct- this pandemic, we all have to agree to be the 11 exceptional sectors mentioned in
ed by the Provincial Government of Ja- discipline in doing it,” he said. the decree No.33/2020.
karta (Pemprov DKI) to restrict social Thus, Anies decided to extend the
and physical activities in economic, ed- PSBB until May 22nd, 2020, and later to Social Assistance
ucation, culture and religious sectors. June 4th. The extended status was set
Several activities are being closed and by considering the views of many ex- No doubt that the PSBB measures
shifted to be conducted at home, ex- perts in infectious disease and through would affect the social and economy of
cepts for regional and central govern- many discussions attended by the Ja- the people. Hence, Pemprov DKI gave
ment offices, diplomatic representative karta’s Health agency. “We had decided social assistance to the people of Jakar-
and international organization offices, to extend the PSBB measures,” Anies ta who are poor and vulnerable. It aims
also the state-owned or regional-owned said. to help a total of 1.2 millions of families
enterprises. According to him, the first two week (KK) affected by COVID-19.
Business activities in privately- of PSBB was a period of education and According to the latest data in April
owned companies are also restrict- socialization. Therefore, the law en- 24th 2020, the social assistance had
ed, excepts for the following sectors: forcement officers would only appeal been distributed to 29 subdistricts in
healthcare, food and beverage, energy, and rebuke the public. But in the second South, West and Central Jakarta. The 11
communication, information and tech- phase, there will be massive disciplin- total packages were 68,551 boxes, each
nology, logistic, hotels, constructions, ary actions taken by the help of Metro has consisted of staple food stock like
strategic industries, basic services, Jaya Regional Police (Polda Metro Jaya) 5kg of rice, two canned fish, 0.9 litre of
public utilities and projects which are and Jakarta Military Command (Kodam cooking oil and two packs of biscuits.
determined as National vital objects, Jaya). “I really hope that we would all be There were also a distribution of non-
and also private owned business who discipline,” he said. food needs like cloth masks and soaps.
serves certain needs. Pemprov DKI along with Polda Met- “There are no cash given in these social
Meanwhile restaurants and wa- ro Jaya and Kodam Jaya will improve assistance,” Anies explained. ros
rungs (local shops) are still permitted to
operation but not allowing dine-in ser-
vicess. Two wheeled vehicles are still al-
lowed to transport only basic needs and
for the exempted sectors.
The decree also set out the sanc-
tions for any violations, which were ad-
justed to the statutory provisions, in-
cluding the criminal sanctions. Severe
sanction will be a year in prison aand/or
Rp.100 millions fine. Hence, to ensure
that the decree is set properly, the im-
plementation will be conducted by the
Pemprov DKI along with the law enfor-
ment officers.
Governor Anies appreciated all of
the communities of Jakarta who have
undertaken the PSBB measures, de-
spite his concern that there are still a lot