P. 6
TOP REPORT Jakarta Against
The Pandemic
Special Capital Region of Jakarta (DKI)
became the epicentrum of Coronavirus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Several ef-
forts had been made to break the chain of
n the second day of March 2020, Presi-
dent Joko Widodo actually had no agenda
Ofor press conference in the Istana Negara
6 (State Palace). Yet, the agenda was changed. The
press conference begin to be held with no one ac-
tually knew what he was about to announce. At
last, President Joko Widodo finally confirmed the
first cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia. There were
two patients: a mother and her daughter.
His announcement was like an explosion of a
time bomb. Since the first cases of COVID-19 was
identified in Wuhan, a city in the province of Hubai,
China at the end of 2019, numbers of scientists
predicted that the virus had been spread to many
countries around the world, including Indonesia.
In fact, an Epidemiology expert from the Uni-
versity of Harvard, professor Marc Lipstick had
predicted that this pandemic disease had already
entered Indonesia since last January. His calcula-
tion coming from the frequent intensity of flights the chief.
from and to Wuhan, China, where the disease was “This special task force consists of
first identified at. all elements and will work full time,”
explained Anies when announcing
Quick Response the establishment of the team. Ev-
enthough the team’s name has been
As a respond to the President’s announce- newly adjusted to COVID-19 Mitigation
ment, the Provincial Government of Jakarta was Acceleration Task Force , this team
quick on the draw. On the same day of the Pres- become the center for controlling and
ident’s announcement, the Governor of Jakarta handling the COVID-19 in Jakarta.
Anies Baswedan formed the COVID-19 Response The Provincial Government of Ja-
Team, and pointed Catur Laswanto, the Assistant karta (Pemprov DKI) also ordered the
for Public Welfare (Kesra) of Jakarta Secretary as opening of COVID-19 Response Team