P. 4


                                     Together Fighting


                                         oronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has become our
                                         common  enemy. Thousands of people in Jakarta
                                    Chad been infected with the virus from the city of   CHIEF EXECUTIVE
                                    Wuhan, China. Many people had died, including the med-  OFFICER
                                    ics who take care of the patients.                  The Governor of DKI Jakarta
                                       Numbers  of  efforts  has  been  made  to  combat  the
                                    transmission of COVID-19. The Governor of Jakarta Anies   CHIEF OPERATING
                                    Baswedan implemented the Large-Scale Social Restric-  OFFICER
                                    tions (PSBB) and asked people to stay at home. All of the   Secretary of The Provincial
                                    activities should be done from home; learning, praying and   Government of DKI Jakarta
                                    working. Most of tourist destinations  were being closed
                                   and transportations being restricted.  The government of Ja-  Assistant Secretary of The
               karta (Pemprov DKI) distributed social assistance to the communities with low-income.  Provincial Government of
                                                                                        DKI Jakarta
                  Pemprov DKI also prepared some referral hospitals to the patients of COVID-19.
               The medical workers who became the front-liners in the battle against COVID-19 would     DIRECTOR
               stay in numbers of star hotels owned by the Pemprov DKI. They would also get shuttle   Head of Communication,
               services from the hotels to the hospitals where they work.               Information and Statistics of
                  In the battle against COVID-19, the government of Jakarta was supported by num-  DKI Jakarta
               bers of collaborators, ranging from the business sectors, humanitarian organizations
               and also the communities, who help breaking the chain of transmission by giving away   GUARANTOR
               masks and protective health gears (APD).                                 Head of Public
                  Communities in the Community Unit levels (RW) formed their own task forces, to   Communication
               control the access of their areas. With this kind of collaborations, Pemprov DKI invites
               all of the communities to grow the spirit to fight against this pandemic.**  EDITOR IN CHIEF
                                                                                        Head of Media and Public
                                                                                        Communication Section

                                                                                        DEPUTY EDITOR IN CHIEF
                                                                                        Evi Yulianti

           From the CItizen                                                             MANAGING EDITOR
                                                                                        Bambang Widodo
           SOCIAL ASSISTANCE (BANSOS)                                                   EDITORS
                                                                                        Nanik I
           TO LAID-OFF WORKERS                                                          Irawan P
           Dear Pemprov DKI Jakarta,                                                    REPORTERS
                                                                                        Ari Muslim
                                                                                        Hans AS
           Assalamualaikum wr. wb                                                       Fenny B
           I haven’t received any social assistance (bansos) since the implementation of Large-  T. Aifan
           Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) on April 10th, yet I have been laid off from my work-  Dr. Rosma
           place. Can I get information on how to receive bansos in the next phase?     Fenti
                                                                                        Devina Ivo
                                                                                        Difa Restiasari
           Ryan Mulyadi
           Pademangan, North Jakarta                                                    PHOTOGRAPHERS
                                                                                        Safran Hasibuan
           Answer                                                                       Widhiyanto W
                                                                                        CREATIVE TEAM
           Dear Ryan Mulyadi,
                                                                                        Tommy Kusuma R
                                                                                        Fandy Adam
           First of all, you need to fill the application form for social assistance provided in the   Anggia Anggun
           nearby community unit (RW). RW staff will then send the forms to the Social Agency   Chaidar Izet
           and Government Bureau for verification. If you meet the requirements, bansos will be   Asep Setiadi
           distributed by Pasar Jaya. You can also contact our call center 021-4265115 or through   SECRETARIAT
           WA 0821-1142-0717 to ask about social assistance (bansos).                   Jose Rizal
                                                                                        Andik F
           Editorial Team
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