P. 5


                                                                        Handling Corona
                                                                  14 Together
                                                                        Numbers of collaborators from business sectors to
                                                                        humanitarian organizations as well as the communities of
                                                                        Jakarta were trying to help the government to fight
                                                                        Getting COVID-19 Information
                                                                   16  by Your Thumbs
                                                                        Through the website, public can access
                                                                        COVID-19 related informations such as cases data, cases map
                                                                        and the update of mitigation as well as the social assistance.

                                                                          End of December
                                                                           2019  March 2 nd  2020  March 2 nd  2020  March 11 th  2020  March 13 th  2020  March 14 th  2020  March 15 th  2020  March 16 th  2020  March 17 th  2020
                                                                          The first diagnosis   President Joko   The Governor of Jakarta Anies   World Health   President Joko   Pemprov DKI closed   Governor Anies   Pemprov DKI closed schools in any level of   Anies formed COVID-19
                                                                          and spread of   Widodo declared the   Baswedan formed Response   Organization (WHO)   Widodo formed   tourist destinations,   Baswedan imposed   formal educations and to conduct home-based   Mitigation Acceleration
                                                                          Coronavirus Disease   first positive cases of   Team of COVID-19 based on the   claimed COVID-19 as   COVID-19 Mitigation   from city parks,   the city to implement   learning.  task force.
                                                                          2019 occured in   COVID-19 in   Governor Decree No.291/2020.  a pandemic given the   Acceleration   convention centers    social distancing.
                                                                          Wuhan city, province   Indonesia.  proof that it has   taskforce in   to museums owned   Restricted the operational of public transporta-  Transjakarta resumed
                                                                          of Hubai, China.  infected 114   Indonesia, after   by Jakarta’s   tions (Transjakarta, MRT, LRT).  normal operation but
                                                                                 The Assistant for Public Welfare   countries worldwide.  issuing Presidential   government.   with stricter protocols:
                                                                                 of Jakarta Secretary, Catur   Decree (Keppres)   Cut off 248 routes of TransJakarta to 13 routes   limited total passengers
                                                                                 Laswanto, was pointed as the   No.7/2020..  only.  and managed queue on
                                                                                 chief of Response Team.   the bus stops with safe
                                                                                                     Limited operating hours of Transjakarta, from   distance.
                                                                                 The Provincial Government of   6.00 to 18.00.
                                                                                 Jakarta (Pemprov DKI) opened a
                                                                                 24-hour service of COVID-19   MRT Jakarta operated only 4 out of 16 trains
                                                                                 Response Team posts at The   with 20 minutes headway between trains.
                                                                                 Command Center of Jakarta   The History of COVID-19
                                                                                 Health Agency.
                                                                                                     Letter No.2/SE/2020 about the adjustment of
                                                                                 Created as   Governor Anies Baswedan issued Circular
                                                                                 an information centers for   Pandemic in Jakarta  the employee’s work system in the area of
                                                                                 COVID-19 cases.     Pemprov DKI. All employee had to start work
                                                                                                     from home (WFH).
                                                                                                     Jakarta’s Menpower, Transmigration and Energy
                                                                                                     agency issued Circular Letter No.14/SE/2020
                                                                                                     about the policy to work from home.

                                                                              April 6 th  2020  April 6 th  2020  March 31 st  2020  March 26 th  2020  March 23 rd  2020  March 22 nd  2020  March 20 th  2020   March 19 th  2020  March 18 th  2020
                                                                              Jakarta’s governor   Pemprov DKI enforce   Jakarta’s Governor   Pemprov DKI started to   Closure of every   The Provincial   Jakarta’s governor issued decree   Anies Baswedan   Anies Baswedan
                                                                              issued Gubernatorial   the use of masks in   declared to extend   conduct rapid tests.  nightlife entertain-  Government of   No.337/2020 about the COVID-19   issued Gubernatorial   issued Gubernatorial
                                                                              Decree No.380/2020   public transporta-  the Jakarta’s   ment and   Jakarta disinfected   Emergency Response Status in   Regulation   Regulation
                                                                              about the implemen-  tions.  Emergency Response   Pemprov DKI changed the   playgrounds.  public places and   Jakarta for 14 days.  No.5/2020 regarding   No.4/2020 regarding
                                                                              tation of Large Scale   status by issuing   function of Jakarta-owned   residential areas.  temporary closure of   social distancing in
                                                                              Social Restrictions   Gubernatorial Decree   hotels, PT Jakarta Tourisindo as   Cancelled even-odd   Jakarta’s Tourism and Creative   any religious   Jakarta province.
                                                                              (PSBB) in Jakarta.  No.361/2020. Hence,   hotels for COVID-19 medical   policy.  Economy agency issued a Circular   activities at houses of
                                                                                    the status was set to   workers.  Letter (SE No.160/SE/2020) about   worships.
                                                                                    continue until April   the temporary closures of tourism
                                                                                    19th 2020.  Anies Baswedan issued   industries.
                                                                                        Gubernatorial Decree
                                                                                        No.7/2020 about data   Anies Baswedan issued Gubernato-
                                                                                        collection of vulnerable or high   rial Decree No.6/2020 about the
                                                                                        risk groups.  temporary closures of offices and to
                                                                                                    implement work from home policy.
                                                                              April 10 th  2020  April 22 nd  2020 – PSBB  .
                                                                             Pemprov DKI started to   Pemprov DKI
                                                                             implement first phase of PSBB   extented PSBB period
                                                                             between April 10th-22nd,   until May 22nd 2020
                                                                             2020.  by issuing Gubernato-
                                                                                  rial Decree
                                                                             Gradually distributed social   No.412/2020.
                                                                             assistance to 1.2 millions of
                                                                             poor families.
                                                                             Opened registration for
                                                                             workers affected by
        6   Top report
            Jakarta Against COVID-19
                                                                  18    The History of COVID-19
            DKI Jakarta became the epicenter of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).   Pandemic in Jakarta
            Several efforts has been made to break the chain of transmission, from   See how the Provincial Government of Jakarta handle CO-
            closing the tourist destinations to organizing religious activities at home.
                                                                        VID-19 outbreak.
                                                                   20   Working on The Front Line
                                                                        of COVID-19
                                                                        Not only taking care of the COVID-19 patients,
                                                                        the healthcare workers also let patients tell their stories;
                                                                        from their cooking hobbies to favorite foods.
        10    top report                  top report                                   MAIL
              Breaking The Chain of  12 Priority To Prevent The
                                                                                       JL. Medan Merdeka Selatan 8-9
              COVID-19 Transmission       Transmission of COVID-19                     Jakarta 10110
              Jakarta implements Large    Head of Jakarta’s Disease Pre-
              Scale Social Restrictions   vention and Control Agency,
              (PSBB) measures to restrict   Dwi Oktavia Tatri Lestari                  TELEPhONe
              several people’s activities.   elaborates the mitigation steps
              What are they?              conducted by the Provincial                  (021) 3822047
              .                           Government of Jakarta to                     (021) 3822975
                                          prevent the transmission of
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