Page 14 - MEDIAJAYA 4 EDITION 2020
P. 14
TOP REPORT Together Handling
The Corona Disease
Some collaborators from business sectors to humanitarian organizations and Jakartans are working
hand in hand to help the Jakarta’s government to fight COVID-19.
he provincial government of Ja-
karta (Pemprov DKI) cant fight
Tthe transmission of COVID-19
pandemic alone. They need every-
one’s support. Hence, in handling CO-
VID-19 Pemprov DKI has asked some
collaborators to help fight the disease.
14 This collaboration was part of the CO-
VID-19 response acceleration task-
force’s activities handled by Pemprov
Pemprov’s intention to collaborate
was supported by many. One of them
coming from the Buddha Tzu Chi In-
donesia Foundation. Hong Tjhin, one
of the volunteer at Buddha Tzu Chi,
thinks that the collaboration with
Pemprov DKI will hopefully help the
acceleration of this pandemic mitiga-
tion, for acceleration and mitigation
accuracy will be the keys to fight the
disease. The reason is what encour-
ages them to raise fund in order to get
medical devices assistance distribut-
ed through Jakarta Development Col- ing healthy lifestyle,” he said. (APD).
laboration Network (JDCN). Besides Buddha Tzu Chi Indonesia
Hong Tjhin explained that the Bud- foundation, there are also individual Forming Independent Taskforce
dha Tzu Chi Indonesia foundation and groups of collaborators, business
has been distributed assistance in collaborators and humanitarian orga- Pemprov also collaborated with
the form of rapid test kits, protective nizations Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT), the communities to form their own,
health gears, ventilators and masks. Gojek and Kadin. Also, the Govern- independent taskforces (satgas). One
“We also help by following all the rules ment of Shanghai also take part in of them is the taskforce at Commu-
of Pemprov DKI has set, like limiting giving assistance in the form of N95 nity Units (RW) at Sunter Agung sub-
interactions with others and maintain- masks and protective health gears district, North Jakarta. This taskforce