Page 13 - MEDIAJAYA 4 EDITION 2020
P. 13

MEDIA JAYA | 04 2020

              many potential virus to come   The first phase of PSBB   hope that the number will   who  are  poor  and  vulner-
              from abroad. Hence we need   measure focuses on how to   increase.        able. We have distributed
              steps to stop the transmis-  educate people about the                     68,551 packages of bansos
              sion, one of which is to mon-  danger of COVID-19 and   Pemprov DKI launched a   and targetting 1.2 millions
              itor people who come and   how to avoid them, while   platform of psychological   of people affected by COV-
              go to the city. We need to do   the second phase of PSBB   service to those affecte by   ID-19 outbreak.
              massive prevention steps if   measure focuses on the   COVID-19, can you explain
              there is any spike.      prevention mechanism. It’s   further?            What things provided in the
                                       hard to conduct, indeed,                         social assistance packag-
              Pemprov DKI has formed   but the results will benefit   The health agency gives   es?
              The COVID-19 Mitigation Ac-  the people.         psychological service to
              celeration taskforce, what                       people affected by COV-     The assistance provide
              are their roles?         How is the effectiveness   ID-19. Psychologists and   many staple foods worth
                                       of PSBB in preventing the   mental health workers at   149,000 rupiahs. The aid
                 The taskforce has been   transmission of COVID-19?  the community health cen-  packages consist of 5 kg of
              formed as stipulated in the                      ters (Puskesmas) will pro-  rice, two canned fish, 0.9 li-
              Presidential Decree (Kep-   By enforcing PSBB we   vide psychological consul-  tre of cooking oil, two packs
              pres) No.7 /2020, in order   dont measure the effec-  tation services through call   of biscuits, two cloth masks
              to synchronize all of COV-  tiveness of it but to mea-  and Whatsapp chats. Peo-  and two  bars of soap.  We
              ID-19  transmission  preven-  sure how ready our people   ple  can also  do the  con-  will continue this for the
              tion  steps  conducted  by  the   is  to  face  this  pandem-  sultation through Sahabat   second phase of PSBB, but   13
              central  government’s:  prep-  ic, how aware and obedi-  Jiwa apps. People who ac-  first we are trying to pre-
              aration of resources, steps   ent they are to follow the   cess them will get consul-  pare the distribution and
              of prevention, mitigation and   health protocols (of PSBB)   tation services by the as-  data registration mecha-
              patient handling steps. We   like washing hands, using   signed psychologist at the   nism so that the social as-
              recommend  healthy  people   masks when going out, and   Puskemas in Jakarta area.  sistance will reach every-
              to implement health proto-  maintain physical distance.                   one who are affected by this
              cols given by the government   This has to be done togeth-  What encourage Pemprov   outbreak.
              in order to protect each other.  er. If they are all obedient   to provide this psychologi-
                                       we can stop the transmis-  cal service?          After the pandemic ends,
              What is Pemprov DKI’s prior-  sions.                                      what kind of recovery pro-
              ity in handling this COVID-19                       During  PSBB  period   gram will be prepared?
              pandemic?                Is there any program to in-  there are a lot of Jakar-
                                       vite the communities into   tans who need psycholog-  We will do recovery pro-
                 Our priority is to stop the   this  mitigation  accelera-  ical  assistance,  especial-  gram in every sectors that
              transmission of the virus.   tion efforts?       ly  to  those  whose  families   has been restricted such as
              The PSBB measure will lim-                       became the ODP or PDP. It   in education, economic and
              it physical interactions be-  Yes, there is a program   aims to ease their mental   other sectors as well. How-
              tween people, operation of   called Large Scale Social   burden.          ever, in order to move for-
              public facilities, numbers of   Collaboration (KSBB). This                ward, we need to prepare
              passengers in public trans-  program invites people to   Does Pemprov DKI provide   stronger steps and also
              portations, and to stop of-  help our needful broth-  social assistance (bansos)   support from every com-
              fices’ activities, religious ac-  ers  during this pandem-  to the vulnerable people?  munities. We have to keep
              tivities, mass gatherings and   ic. It aims people who are                maintain healthy lifestyle
              learning activities at schools.  vulnerable due  to  the  im-  Since  the  implemen-  eventhough the outbreak
                                       plementation of this PSBB   tation  of  PSBB  status  on   ends.
              What is the focus in the im-  measure. As of April 25th   April 10th, 2020, Pemprov
              plementation of PSBB mea-  2020, there are 112 collab-  DKI provided social assis-
              sure?                    orators who joined and we   tance (bansos)  to those                     gro
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