Page 12 - MEDIAJAYA 4 EDITION 2020
P. 12



                Head of Jakarta’s Disease Prevention and Control

                Agency, Dwi Oktavia Tatri Lestari

              “To Prevent The Transmission of

              COVID-19 is Our Priority”

                     any efforts has been made by   Lestari.                    crease the cases and we hope that it
                     the Provincial Government                                  will lessen new cases.
              Mof Jakarta (Pemprov DKI) to     How  is  the  update  of  COVID-19  re-
              prevent the transmission of COVID-19,   cently?                   What makes Jakarta prone to the
              one of which is to impose the Large                               transmission of COVID-19?
              Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) mea-  We  always  try  to  decrease  the
              sure in the city. So what is their pri-  number of COVID-19 positive cases.   Since Jakarta is the epicentrum
              ority in order to prevent transmission?   Pemprov DKI has done several ways,   for COVID-19 in Indonesia, it is like-
              Read on to see our interview with the   including the implementation of Large   ly that the most cases occured here.
              Head of Jakarta’s Disease Prevention   Scale  Social  Restriction  (PSBB).  This   Besides, the mobility of our people is
              and Control Agency, Dwi Oktavia Tatri   measure was imposed in order to de-  high and Jakarta became the gate for
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