Page 21 - MEDIAJAYA 4 EDITION 2020
P. 21

MEDIA JAYA | 04 2020


              the victims of) this pandemic disas-  ents finally let Dewi work to help fight   night shifts. She was assigned to work
              ter, compared to the time when I was   COVID-19. Sometimes they would call   in the red zone area. “In Wisma Atlet
              handling victims of another disaster,”   and ask abour her well-being, al-  hospital, we have three different zones
              said Dewi, who just recently graduat-  though oftentimes Dewi could not pick   based on the international standard:
              ed from medical faculty at The Mara-  up. She often didnt get the chance to   red, yellow and green. The red zones
              natha Christian University, Jakarta.  pick her parents’ or her friends’ calls.   are for areas affected by COVID-19
                 Dewi was quite scared when she   “I was busy and my family were pan-  while the green zones are for areas
              was about to work at the Wisma Atlet   icked because I did not pick up their   free of COVID-19 transmissions. On
              hospital, one of the refferal hospitals   calls,” she explained.  those red zones, we have to use APDs
              for  COVID-19  patients.  Her  parents   During her work, Dewi would use   for 8 hours,” said Dewi.
              were at first disapproved and forbid   APD for more than 8 hours. Upon
              her from being a volunteer doctor. But   wearing it she could not pee nor drink   Homesick
              as the cases of COVID-19 in Indone-  water, in order to minimize the use
              sia keeps on increasing, she told her   of another APDs. She knew that APD   Upon working on her role for more
              parents not to worry for she will use   supply in Indonesia is limited. “That   than 17 days at the hospital, Dewi and
              health protective gears (APD) when-  was our commitment to help save the   her friends missed their families at
              ever she works. Her will to help CO-  APD stock, for we never knew when   home. She tried to cheer herself up
              VID-19 patients beats anything else. “I   will this pandemic end. So we tried not   and to avoid stress by exercising  and
              used to be in a volunteer doctor team   to drink or pee for 8 hours,” she said.  watching online movies. “I tried to
              (to help victims of natural disaster)   Dewi later explained that there   cheer myself and tried not to discuss
              and work outdoor,” she said.     were five teams who were divided into   about Corona while I got rest,” said
                 Though with heavy heart, her par-  three shifts: morning, evening and    she.
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