Page 22 - MEDIAJAYA 4 EDITION 2020
P. 22


       TOP REPORT                                                                                                                                 Informations and Educations regarding

                                                                                                                                                                   COVID-19 in Jakarta

                                                                                                                                                    Social Media Platforms of
                                                                                                                                                      Government of Jakarta:

                                                                                                   Medical workers                                                                           DKIJakarta
                                                                                                   in Jakarta getting
                                                                                                   shuttle by Transja-                                                                       PemprovDKI
                                                                                                   karta busses.
                                                                                                 Credits                               Emergency Call::                           Report and Monitor Potential Hoaxes:
                                                                                                 Dharma W.                             112                                                 : jalahoaks
                                                                                                                                       081-388-376-955/                                    :

                 Dewi admitted that as a volunteer                              ons to use for fighting COVID-19. As                   081-112-112-112                                     : 0813-5000-5331
     22       doctor in handling COVID-19, she was                              front liners who need to fight the dis-                                                                    #JakartaLawanHoaks
              not only trying to heal patients medi-                            ease, doctors and medical workers
              cally, but also non-medically. In every   I tried to cheer myself up and   are vulnerable and prone to contract-
              visits to her patients, she tried to have   tried not to discuss about   ing the virus. Many of them were in-                                                       Press Releases:
              conversations with them. The topics   Corona while I got rest     fected. In many cases, the transmis-                                                    
              would vary, from her patients’ hobbies   Debryna Dewi Lumanauw,   sion would occur through erosof, a
 BELUM FOTO   of cooking to exercising. She often lis-  a volunteer doctor of   steam-like  gas  escaping  from  the
              tened to the patients’ hopes to get re-
                                                                                mouth when doctors or medical work-
              covered and being at home to see their   emergency team at Wisma   ers do something on the patient’s
              families.                         Atlet hospital.                 mouth. “The steam, which called ero-
                 “We talked about simple things                                 sof, is what we fear of because they
              like their favourite foods or snacks. I                           can stay in the air we breathe in for
              remember a patient who showed me                                  three hours,” he explained.
              the picture of his  children and  a pa-                              According  to  him,  this  virus  can
              tient who missed cooking. But all of   sure that all of the healthcare work-  transmit others through direct contact
              them wanted to recover to see their   ers who handle COVID-19 patients   with the confirmed-patients or by be-
              families again immediately. I got a   are protected for contracting the vi-  ing exposed to droplets when the pa-
              very  valuable  lesson upon  hearing   rus. “We have started to handle COV-  tients’ cough or sneeze. “This droplet
              their stories,” said Dewi.       ID-19 patients siince March 17th,” he   would contain virus. As the droplets
                                               explained.                       can spread to approximately 2 meters
              Prone of Contracting The Disease    Therefore,  Theryoto  tried  to ful-  away, we have to keep distance of 1
                                               fill the need of health protective gears   meter at the very least,” he said.
                 Another  story  coming  from  for his medical workers. The hospi-  Theryoto hoped that public would
              dr.Theryoto, the Director at Duren   tal required 150-200 health protective   get informed of this information re-
              Sawit Hospital (RSKD) in East Jakarta.   gears/day in avarege, along with the   garding COVID-19. By knowing how
              He admitted that when the RSKD be-  APD clothes, N95 masks, hand gloves   the virus spread, they can protect
              came refferal hospital for COVID-19,   and shoes. “Currently we get enough   themselves from contracting the virus
              he could not sleep well. As the first   stock of APDs,” said Theryoto.  which have claimed thousands of lives
              man in the hospital, he had to make   For him, APDs are like the weap-  all over the world.    has                                            Pemprov DKI Jakarta     @DKIJakarta

                                                                                                                                 -        Hotline Dinkes 081 112 112 112 - Call Center 112
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