P. 9
MEDIA JAYA | 05 2020
Tips to Choose The Best Online
Learning Platform
Make sure that you can access
it anywhere, anytime.
Make sure it can be used in any
devices: in smartphones, pc
tablets or computers.
Make sure that it has updated
Find a learning application
which has fun learning method.
Make sure that your teachers
and parents can access it.
Make sure to choose online
learning application from cred-
ible resources or institutions.
1. An elementary
student doing
distance learning.
2. A teacher explains
Math through online
Dharma W.
can be downloaded for Android users. By all of those programs, Jakar-
The contents can be shared through ta’s Education Agency hoped that the
WhatsApp (WA) and other social me- quality of education in Jakarta amid
dia platforms. this COVID-19 pandemic will be well-
Moreover, Jakarta’s Education maintained despite the implementa-
Agency also provide Belajar Live!, a Belajar Live! is facilitated by tion of distance learning.
live-learning service which can be the teachers at Guru Belajar “These programs are curated by
accessed every Monday to Friday on Nusantara community and special team of learning planners to
08.00-14.00 WIB. “Belajar Live! is fa- professionals from Semua give proper experience in learning,
cilitated by the teachers at Guru Be- Murid Semua Guru network. which based on students’ competen-
lajar Nusantara community and pro- cy improvement according to their lev-
fessionals from Semua Murid Semua Nahdiana, el and their development stages,” ex-
Guru network,” said Nahdiana. Head of Jakarta’s Education plain Nahdiana.
Jakarta’s Education Agency also Agency. Furthermore, to ensure the imple-
conduct a livestream program every mentation of home learning, Jakarta’s
day through Radio Disdik DKI and to Public Order Agency (Satpol PP) of-
share various contents of educations ficers are hired to raid students who
from the Ministry of Education and are willing to go outside of their hous-
Culture. es during learning time. yen/nis