P. 4


                                     Moment of Change

                                         he COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything,
                                         including the education system. Learning activities
                                    Twhich was normally set in school’s classes now be-  CHIEF EXECUTIVE
                                    ing conducted in distance or with home learning method.   OFFICER
                                    It was set in order to prevent the transmission of COV-  The Governor of DKI Jakarta
                                       This current condition requires teachers, students and   CHIEF OPERATING
                                    also parents to adapt with the new home learning method.   OFFICER
                                    Teachers will not only have to master technology, but also   Secretary of The Provincial
                                    to be more creative and innovative in giving fun ways of   Government of DKI Jakarta
                                    learning for the students.
                                       Students and parents must also adapt to this distance   Assistant Secretary of The
                                   leraning method. Parents will not only monitor the activities   Provincial Government of
               of home learning but also to take part in the home learning method. Most importantly,   DKI Jakarta
               parents should communicate to the teachers in order to follow the development of their     DIRECTOR
                  In order to support the home-based learning method, Jakarta’s Education agency   Head of Communication,
                                                                                        Information and Statistics of
               have prepared some online learning media for both the teachers and students. There   DKI Jakarta
               are numbers of distance learning applications such as Si Pintar, Wikkido, Rumah Belajar
               and Sekolahmu.                                                           GUARANTOR
                  Moreover, the Jakarta’s Education agency has partner up with some education insti-  Head of Public
               tutions to implement Belajar Tanpa Batas program. This collaboration also provides di-  Communication
               rect learning which facilitated by the teachers from Guru Belajar Nusantara Community
               and the Semua Murid Semua Guru (All Students All Teachers) network.      EDITOR IN CHIEF
                  We have no choice,  it is time to face change in our education system. Therefore,   Head of Media and Public
               the commemoration of National Education Day in last May 2nd  became a moment to   Communication Section
               improve the quality of our education with a new, more creative and fun learning method,
               hopefully.*                                                              DEPUTY EDITOR IN CHIEF
                                                                                        Evi Yulianti
                                                                                        MANAGING EDITOR
           FROM THE CiTIZEN                                                             Bambang Widodo
                                                                                        Nanik I
           APPLICATION PROCEDURE FOR KJMU                                               Irawan P

           Dear Pemprov DKI Jakarta,                                                    REPORTERS
                                                                                        Ari Muslim
                                                                                        Hans AS
           Assalamualaikum wr. wb                                                       Fenny B
                                                                                        T. Aifan
           Since I was in junior high school (SMP) and senior high school (SMA) I haven’t re-  Dr. Rosma
           ceived Jakarta Smart Card (KJP). As I want to continue my education to the university   Devina Ivo
           after I graduate, can I apply for Jakarta Excellent Student Card (KJMU)? Please let me   Difa Restiasari
           know about the application procedure.
           Dinda Nurkhasanah                                                            Safran Hasibuan
           Duren Sawit, East Jakarta                                                    Widhiyanto W
                                                                                        CREATIVE TEAM
           Answer                                                                       Tommy Kusuma R
           Dear Dinda Nurkhasanah,                                                      Fandy Adam
                                                                                        Anggia Anggun
           All residents of Jakarta who are qualified for it can be able to apply for the program.   Chaidar Izet
           Please register and complete all the requirements, such as graduation certificate and   Asep Setiadi
           acceptance letter from the university, Jakarta ID card, statement of disadvantage and   SECRETARIAT
           other documents. You can visit for further details.        Jose Rizal
                                                                                        Andik F
           Editorial Team
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