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and facilities needed for the learning,
              while there are so many tasks to do.
       TOP REPORT  Cancellation of National Exams (UN)

                 Since the pandemic of COVID-19
              occured, some areas in Indonesia has
              cancelled in school-learning activities
              (KBM) including Jakarta, which can-
              celled KBM since March 16th 2020.
                 The Governor of Jakarta Anies
              Baswedan said that the decision was
              made to prevent the students from
              contracting the disease.
                 While many researches show little
              data of children being infected by CO-
              VID-19, they are prone to be the agent
              for the virus  transmissions in adults.
                 In fact, learning activities also need
              the participations of adults: like drop-
              ping and fetch up the kids to schools.
              “That kind of mobility give risks for the
              transmission between adults,” said
                 Not only implementing home
              learning method, the government
     8        also cancelled the National Exama-
              mination which should have been held
              on March 16-19, 2020.  This decision
              was made for all level of education,
              start from elementary level (SD), ju-
              nior high level (SMP), senior high level
              (SMA) and vocational high level (SMK).
                 The execution of national exams
              in the middle of pandemic would be
              very risky, given the fact that it would
              be dangerous not only for the students   “Online tests can be held for   (All  Students  All  Teachers)  network.
              but also to their families. In Jakarta,   schools who have proper access of in-  Those programs were made to sup-
              there are around 124 thousands stu-  ternet,” said the agency’s public rela-  port the home learning, as well as to
              dents of SMA-SMK that has already   tions Sonny Juhersoni.  Jakarta’s Ed-  help guide parents and teachers.
              been registered as UN participants.  ucation agency also give remission for   Head of Jakarta’s Education Agen-
                 As a substitute for UN, Jakarta’s   schools who dont get to conduct ex-  cy, Nahdiana explained that all of the
              Education Agency (Disdik) issued a   aminations by determining their stu-  15 programs are provided daily for
              decree on the technical guideline of   dents’  grades  by their  report  cards   each level of education, starts from
              school examination to determine the   from fifth semester.        kindergarten (PAUD and TK), primary
              graduation of students in grade 6, 9                              schools (SD), to senior high schools
              and 12.                          Fifteen Programs                 (SMA).  “They have six programs for
                 Decree No.356/2020 about the                                   primary level (SD), three programs
              Technical Guide on The Implemen-    To  ensure  the  effectiveness  and   for junior level (SMP), and three pro-
              tation of Students Graduation in   quality of the education during PJJ   grams for senior level (SMA),” said
              2019/2020 mentions that the school’s   period, Jakarta’s Education Agen-  Nahdiana.
              examination can be based on three   cy  provides  15  PJJ  programs  made   All of those programs are free for
              different forms, which are academic   by the collaboration with Sekolahmu,   teachers, parents and students by us-
              portfolios, home assignments and on-  educational communities and activa-  ing the platform
              line tests.                      tors under Semua Murid Semua Guru   and  through  Sekolahmu  app,  which
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