Page 10 - MEDIAJAYA 5 EDITION 2020
P. 10
TOP REPORT Searching for A
Distance-Learning Model
Some apps offer distance-learn- mid the pandemic of COVID-19, during home-learnings. Sekolahmu
ing model, what are the advan- the commemoration of Nation- has collaborated with various parties
tages and disadvantages? Aal Education Day was held in si- such as the government, communi-
lence. The Governor of Jakarta Anies ties, teachers, experts, schools, uni-
Baswedan treasures this day by hold- versities and companies. “Sekolahmu
ing a virtual ceremony with some of will be one of educational platforms
the Jakarta Provincial Government of- that you can choose to do distance-
Long-Distance ficers and school delegations. learnings,” she explained.
Learning Programs During the ceremony, Anies re- She further explained that Seko-
minded them to always improve the lahmu is currently opening all access
quality of education despite the cur- to learning contents for free. This step
rent situation of COVID-19. In fact, it is taken in order to help the govern-
is time for every teachers and educa- ment to implement home-learning
Early Childhood Education tional institutions to transform and to method. “We have done trainings for
(PAUD) for 2-3 year old and 3-4 take use on technology. “Learning ac- teachers so they can deliver online
10 year old. Kindergarten (TK) for tivities need certain technic in which lessons,” she said.
4-6 year old. to prevent the students from getting Through the app, teachers can
6 programs for primary school bored,” he said. provide learning goals, steps and eval-
(SD) grade 1-VI. As we already know, to break the utions. They can also choose learning
chain of COVID-19 transmission Anies contents and put it into the digital-
3 programs for junior high has shut every schools in Jakarta, based system. “After that, teachers
school (SMP) grade VII-IX.
starts from the elementary schools can deliver tasks for their students,”
3 programs for senior high to higher educational institutions. All Radinka told Media Jaya.
school (SMA) grade X-XII learning activities will be held in dis- The Headmaster of Sekolahmu,
tance. Najeela Shihab, through his Insta-
Thus, to support the home learn- gram account said that having to stay
ing activities, the Provincial Govern- at home doesn’t mean that we have
ment of Jakarta (Pemprov DKI) invit- to let go the chance for all students,
ed numbers of start-ups in education, teachers and parents to learn. To fa-
one of which is Sekolahmu. The di- cilitate home-learnings, Sekolahmu
rector of Sekolahmu Radinka Qiera provided free access for all students,
explained that this online learn- teachers and parents to get digital-
ing must not prepared for the teach- based learning programs.
ers or students only but also for the “We have experiences in develop-
parents. Hence, Sekolahmu provides ing qualified progams which focused
learning classess for all level of ed- on the need of every students. So this
ucations, from pre-schools to Senior platform can be accessed by all stu-
High (SMA) level. “We also facilitate dents amid the chaotic COVID-19,” she
the schools and teachers to teach ac- explained.
cording to the curriculum,” she said. Besides providing study materials
Through this program, schools based on curriculum, Sekolahmu also
will be able to use the contents pro- provides educational program related
vided by Sekolahmu as well as other to the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2. This
Infographic/Tommy.K.R school partners and implement them program is made by the collaboration