P. 5


                                                                        Learn without Limits
                                                                  14 from Home
                                                                        Some schools, teachers and volunteers doing collaborations
                                                                        to create Belajar Tanpa Batas program. The effort aims to cre-
                                                                        ate comfortable and productive learning environtment.

                                                                        Relieve The Burden
                                                                  16 of KJP Holders
                                                                        The relaxation of fund disbursement for the holders of Jakarta
                                                                        Smart Card Plus (KJP Plus) during COVID-19 pandemic will
                                                                        help relieve the burden of students and their parents.

        6   Maintain The Quality of Education
            During Pandemic
            During Coronavirus Disease  2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, learning   18  How Jakarta Education Agency Respond to
            activities shifts to be occured in distance.  How is the implementation?  COVID-19 Outbreak
                                                                        See how the Jakarta Education Agency respond to keep the
                                                                        education going amid COVID-19 outbreak.

                                                                  20    Adapting Home Learning

                                                                        Since the implementation of home-based learning, every
                                                                        teachers, students and parents have to adapt to this new
                                                                        distance learning method, although the internet access often
                                                                        gets in the way.


        10    Searching for Distance   12 More Innovative Education                    MAIL
                                          COVID-19 Pandemic Triggers A
              Learning Model
                                                                                       JL. Medan Merdeka Selatan 8-9
              Since the implementation of   COVID-19 pandemic has                      Jakarta 10110
              home-based learning, there   changed everything, including
              are many applications to pro-  the in-school learning activities.
              vide distance learning model.
              What are their advantages and                                            TELEPhONe
              disadvantages?                                                           (021) 3822047
              .                                                                        (021) 3822975
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