P. 6


               Keeping The Quality                                              necting and her laptop would oc-

                                                                                casionally crashes. “I need to get
               of Education Amid The                                            used to this as this is the new
                                                                                method: an online, distance learn-
                                                                                ing,” she said.
               Pandemic                                                         at vocational high school (SMK)
                                                                                   Besides Tata, a teacher  staff

                                                                                26 named Aisyah also have to get
                                                                                used to this new distance-learning
                                                                                method. “We have to prepare vari-
               Amid the pandemic of COVID-19, learning activities are being     ous ways of learning to prevent the
               conducted in distance with the implementation of 15 programs.    students from getting bored and to
                                                                                make the learning more fun,” she
     6                                                                             Aisyah once asked her stu-
                                                                                dents to take online lessons giv-
                                                                                en by Bina Nusantara about en-
                                                                                trepreneurship and mathematics.
                                                                                “I  asked them  to  write a  resume
                                                    he clock shows 8 AM sharp   regarding the lessons,” she ex-
                                                    when Thahira Putreyna Donni   plained.
                                               Tprepares  himself  to  get  a les-  But the limited access to the
                                               son. This time, this student of voca-  internet still become her main
                                               tional school SMKN 26, Rawaman-  problem in this new learning
                                               gun, East Jakarta didn’t have to go to   method. She also realized that not
                                               school, but to learn at her own home   all students have adequate tech-
                                               using Zoom meeting app. Through the   nology (handphones or laptops) to
                                               application, Thahira will learn her les-  participate.
                                               sons the way she will from the school.   According to the survey of Dis-
                                               Although  virtually,  she  can  commu-  tance Learning Method (PJJ) con-
                                               nicate and discuss with her teachers   ducted  by the  Indonesian  Child
                                               and classmates.                  Protection Commission (KPAI), the
                                                  That  was  her routine  in  the past   limited access to internet is indeed
                                               two months. Since the outbreak of CO-  the main obstacle during the im-
                                               VID-19, her school were closed and   plementation of PJJ. The partici-
                                               the learning activities were set in dis-  pants of the survey are 1,700 stu-
                                               tance  (home  learning).  “Actually,  I   dents from kindergarten  (TK)  to
                                               miss going to school,” she said to Me-  high school (SMA) level in 20 prov-
                                               dia Jaya.                        inces and 54 cities. The survey
                                                  Tata—her nickname, said that   shows a 42.2 percent of the prob-
                                               while doing the distance-learning she   lems  faced  by  the  students  was
                                               faced some problems, such as the in-  the lack of internet quota, and the
                                               ternet connection that keeps discon-  rest was regarding the lack of time
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