Page 15 - MEDIAJAYA 5 EDITION 2020
P. 15

MEDIA JAYA | 05 2020

                                                                                grams from home.
                                                                                Online Learning Contents

                                                                                   There are many parties that con-
                                                                                tributed to this learn without limit
                                                                                program. Teachers community, vol-
                                                                                unteers and application developers
                                                                                are joint hand in hand to facilitate
                                                                                the home learning. Some collabora-
                                                                                tors who partner up with Pemprov DKI
                                                                                are Kampus Guru Cikal, Rumah Bela-
                                                                                jar from Indonesia’s Ministry of Edu-
                                                                                cation, Arsakids, Kerlap, Solve Edu-
                                                                                cation, ayomikir, Zenius, Ruang Guru,
                                                                                Kelas Pintar, Quipper School and
                                                                                   One of those collaborators who fa-
                                                                                cilitate the home-based learning, Ze-
                                                                                nius, gives free access of Zenius web
                                                                                since December 2019.
                                                                                   The  CEO of  Sekolahmu,  Najeela
                                                                                Shihab, said that Belajar Tanpa Batas
                                                                                learning program is a support from
                                                                                Sekolahmu in handling the COVID-19
                                                                                outbreak. “The main focus is to give   15
                                                                                free access of Sekolahmu platform for
                                                                                schools, teachers and students,” she
                                                                                   Moreover, they have an activity to
                                                                                plan daily learning method for every
                                                                                level of education. This activity is a
                                                                                collaboration work with Jakarta Edu-
                                                                                cation agency and schools in Jakarta.
                                                                                   Another collaborative work also
                                                                                being  conducted  by  Sekolah  Pintar.
                                                                                According to the founder of Sekolah
                                                                                Pintar, Fernando Uffie, during the next
              are  learning  program  which  provid-  cess everyday from Monday to Friday   one month all teachers and students
              ed every day for all level of education,   at 08.00 to 14.00. Belajar Live is being   in Indonesia will be able to get free
              start from preschools (PAUD and kin-  facilitated by the teachers at Guru Be-  online learning from Kelas Pintar. He
              dergartens), elementary school (SD),   lajar Nusantara community, profes-  also added the duration of Tanya (Ask-
              junior high school (SMP), and senior   sionals at Semua Murid Semua Guru   ing) feature into two sessions, from 9
              high school (SMA) level. She explained   (All Students All Teachers) network,   AM to 12 PM and from 6 PM to 9 PM.
              that the programs are free for the   and also from the West Java Educa-  Just like Sekolahmu and Rumah
              teachers, parents and students to ac-  tion agency.               Belajar, Kelas Pintar also provides
              cess through Sekolahmu application.  You can access schedule and activ-  the same learning materials as what
                 The 15 programs included in the   ities list of Belajar Live through www.  the schools give to the students, both
              program will be always distributed ev-    from its curriculum and the number of
              eryday through WhatsApp and other   To support this collaboration work,   given lessons. It includes 8 subjects
              social media platforms.          two giant telecommunication provid-  for grade 1-3, 10 subjects for grade
                 This collaboration work also pro-  ers Telkomsel and Indosat has given   4-6, 7 subjects for grade 7-9, and 11
              vide live-stream learning service   free access for anyone who want to ac-  subjects for grade 10-12.
              named Belajar Live, which you ac-  cess the link so they can enjoy the pro-                           sya
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