Page 17 - MEDIAJAYA 5 EDITION 2020
P. 17

MEDIA JAYA | 05 2020

              the same time, while in the previous
              scheme  the  disbursement  only  oc-
              cured in numbers of stages every year.
                 Today, the change of scheme will
              allow KJP Plus holders to withdraw all
              the fund at once. They will also be al-
              lowed in using the card for cash pay-
                 According to Nahdiana, the dis-
              bursement of fund that has previously
              been done every six months (in June)
              will  no  longer  occured  this  year.  In-  The Disbursement of KJP Plus
              stead,  the  KJP  Plus  holders  are  al-  during COVID-19 Pandemic
              lowed to withdraw the fund regularly
              every month.                        Use JakOne Mobile application to monitor   Complete Schedule of KJP
                 Therefore, the total of fund dis-  the amount received and complete transac-  Plus Disbursement, Phase 1 2020
                                                  tions so you dont need to go to the ATMs to
              bursed each month will reach Rp     monitor transactions.
              250,000 for elementary level (SD), Rp                                 KJP Plus for SD/SDLB/MI from May
              300,000 for junior high level (SMP), Rp   Make sure to avoid gatherings if you with-  15  2020.
              420,000 for senior high level (SMA),   draw the fund in Bank DKI’s offices.  KJP Plus for SMP/SMPLB/MTs/PKBM
              Rp 450,000 for vocational school level   Always use masks and maintain physical    from May 18  2020.
              (SMK) and Rp 300,000 for PKBM level.  distance when queueing in banks or ATMs.
                 Besides the scheme of disburse-                                    KJP Plus for SMA/SMALB/SMK from
              ment, Jakarta Education Agency also                                   May 20  2020.
              decided to pause budget for cheap                                                   Infographic/Tommy.K.R  17
              foods for the KJP Plus holders. In-
              stead, they will get social assistance                 tion.
              packages  during  PSBB  period.  “The                     Besides the change in disbursement scheme,
              fund allocated for cheap food shop-                    starting this year the holders of KJMU cards will
              ping for KJP Plus holders will be used                 be extented to those who possess Jakarta ID cards,
              for another emergency needs,” Nahdi-                   who are financially disadvantaged and are having
              ana explained.                                         education in State Universities (PTN). The exten-
                                                                     sion also requires the holders of KJMU to enroll in
              Relaxation for KJMU              The government        a ranked-A university and study program.
                                               needs to ensure          Yanto added that the KJMU recipients will be
                 Head of Center for Personal and   a sustained       given a total of 9 millions rupiahs fund every se-
              Operational Education Service (P4OP)   education for the   mester. The fundings can be used to pay Single Tu-
              at Jakarta Education agency, Yanto,   recipients       ition Fee (UKT) and to buy their daily needs. “If the
              explained that the relaxation scheme                   total fund is 3 millions rupiahs, the amount of fund
              for KJP Plus disbursement will hope-  Yanto,           will either be locked or blocked so the students
              fully relieve the burden of the students   Head of P4OP at   cant wiithdraw them. The rest of it, 6 millions ru-
              and their parents during COVID-19   Jakarta Education   piahs can be withdrew and to be used to buy their
              pandemic.                        Agency                daily needs,” he explained.
                 Besides d KJP Plus, the disburse-                      Yanto also explained that KJMU cards are enti-
              ment scheme for Jakarta Excellent                      tled to those children coming from poor families in
              Student Card (KJMU) holders also                       Jakarta. There are currently 9,145 college students
              changed. In the previous years, the                    who are registered as the recipients of KJMU.
              holders are able to withdraw fund-                        If anyone wants to apply to be the recipients of
              ing every semester while in this pan-                  KJMU, he has to come from a poor family and is
              demic time, the holders are allowed to                 currently in a second semester at the very least.
              withdraw the fund every month. The                     “He cant apply if he enrolled in a third semester in
              change is made to ensure that the re-                  college,” said Yanto
              cipients will always get their educa-                     .                                 sam
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