Page 19 - MEDIAJAYA 5 EDITION 2020
P. 19

MEDIA JAYA | 05 2020

 How Jakarta Education Agency

 Respond to COVID-19 Outbreak

 Emergency Response to COVID-19   B. Education Profiles
 in Education   in Jakarta

        A. Total Teachers
 March 4  2020  March 14  2020
         Education Level    Total Teachers
         Primary school          7.950        C. Total Schools in Jakarta
 Head of Jakarta Education   The Provincial Govern-  (SD)
 Agency issued Circular   ment of Jakarta (Pemprov   Junior High School  Education Level  State Schools  Private Schools  Total
 Letter No.16/2020 on   DKI Jakarta) issued   (SMP)  18.830
 reminder for schools and   regulation to cancel   Senior High School

 learning institutions to   in-school activities for two   (SMA)  11.032       Primary school (SD)  1.466  580  2.046
 contain potential risks of   weeks, until March 28th   Vocational High School   Junior High School
 COVID-19 transmissions.   2020.  11.382                                319              596               915
        (SMK)                                  (SMP)
         School for Disabled     1.276         Senior High School       128               246              374

         Children (SLB)                        (SMA)
                                               Vocational High          73                 496             569

        B. Total Students                      School (SMK)

  March 24  2020  March 16  2020               Madrasah Ibtidaiyah      20                  434            454

         Education Level    Total Student      Madrasah                 41               191               232
                                               Tsanawiyah (MTS)
         Primary school                        Madrasah Aliyah                                                       19
 Extended home-based   All students to conduct   804.978                22               90                82

 May 15  2020  learning period.  home-based learnings.  (SD)  (MA)
        Junior High School      361.032        Learning and Teaching
 Cancelled National   (SMP)                    Center (PKBM A)          21               21                42
 Examinations. At least   Senior High School   163.355      Learning and Teaching

 Pemprov DKI Jakarta to   124,000 students of high   (SMA)  Center (PKBM B)  18          19                37
 relax the fund disburse-  school (SMA) and   Vocational High School   222.281      Learning and Teaching

 ment for Jakarta Smart   vocational school (SMK)   (SMK)  Center (PKBM C)  18           18                36
 Card Plus (KJP Plus)   registered for the exam   School for Disabled

 holders.   were cancelled.  Children (SLB)  6.194   Total             2.126            2.661             4.787

 Educational Agency
 issued Circular Letter

 No.32/SE/2020 on the   Relaxation of KJP Plus
 Implementation of Home
 Learning in The Emergen-  Disbursement during COVID-19
 cy Time of COVID-19.
        A. Budget for KJP Plus Holders        B. KJP Plus Recipients in 2020
                                                (Phase 1)
         Education Level    Total Budget             Area         Total Recipients  Total Schools
           SD/MI/SLB       Rp 250.000/student    Thousand Islands     4535              26

           SMP/MTS/SMPLB   Rp 300.000/student     East Jakarta        243.963           1414

           SMA/MA / SMALB   Rp 420.000/student    West Jakarta        204.950           1115

           SMK             Rp 450.000/student     Central Jakarta     95.833            497


           PKBM            Rp 300.000/student     North Jakarta       153.306

       Data source: Jakarta’s Educational Agency and Data of   South Jakarta  167.978   1.036
       Primary and Secondary Education, The Ministry of Education
       and Culture.                                                                      Infographic/Tommy.K.R
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