Page 21 - MEDIAJAYA 5 EDITION 2020
P. 21

MEDIA JAYA | 05 2020

              as their economic, infrastructures   teachers can easily communicate with   would want to learn,” explained Joe.
              and environtment factors, for which   their students without any disrup-  Therefore, Joe conduct a special
              he  keeps  on  trying  to  help  them  all.   tions. For him, there are some human   monthly seminar dedicated to the par-
              “There  are  students  whose  internet   interactions that can’t be replaced by   ents. Usually, they will invite child psy-
              access keeps on disconnecting or stu-  technology.                chologist or another figure who focus-
              dents who run out of quota. There are   Founder and Director of Joe Mat-  es on music education for children.
              many factors that can interrupt dis-  ter School of Music, Joe Matindas, ex-  “In early March  we have held a spe-
              tance learning,” said Indi.      pressed the same thing as Indi. The   cial seminar for parents and invited a
                 Indi would understand the condi-  school of music which he established   storyteller. We have limited the partic-
              tions of his students in adapting to this   in  2016  has  implemented  distance   ipants since then,” he said.
              new routine, and he also keeps ensur-  learning since March 2020. He used   They also cancelled students’ per-
              ing that each of his students will get   Zoom application to teach his stu-  forming arts which usually being held
              his lessons. Indi said that he would   dents. “I’ve been using Zoom just like   every six months, eventhough they had
              use some online applications such as   any other teachers,” Joe said.  prepared the event from its schedul-
              Google Classroom or WhatsApp in de-  Joe  changed  the  routine  of  his   ing time to its location. “We usually
              livering the lessons to his students.   teachers in teaching music. Normally,   hold students performing arts which
              “All this time, I’ve been using Google   teachers would face their students in   we have to cancel this time due to the
              Classroom even when there are many   classes but now they had to adapt to   COVID pandemic,” Joe explained.
              information technologies offered now-  the use of technology in order to keep
              adays. We can use them properly dur-  the lessons going. They face some dif-  Parent Participations
              ing this time of pandemic,” he said.  ficulties at first, like the internet con-
                 However, Indi  hoped that  schools   nection that keeps on disconnecting   The adaptation to this new meth-
              will reopen as he believe that face to   and the students who are taking some   od of distance learning not only com-
              face learning is the most important   times to adapt. “Children under 7   ing from the teachers but also from
              aspect in education. Besides, face   years old are likely to have hard times   the parents. Parents must be involved
              to face learning has advantages that   in  adapting  to new  method,  so  the   in this home learning method. So does   21
              online learning hasn’t. For example,   teachers need to be creative so they   Edi Triyono. Before going to work, he

                                                There are many factors that can interrupt distance
                                                learning. Some students has internet access that keeps
                                                on disconnecting and some others run out of quota.

                                                Indi Dwi Kastoro,
                                                Teacher at Senior High School (SMAN) 46,
                                                South Jakarta

                                                 A primary school
                                                 student was doing
                                                 distance-learning in
                                                 a fun way.

                                               Dharma W.
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