Page 20 - MEDIAJAYA 5 EDITION 2020
P. 20
TOP REPORT Home Learning
Since the implementation of home-based learning, every teachers, students and
parents have to adapt to this new distance learning method, although the inter-
net access often gets in the way.
ndi Dwi Kastoro works as a physi- The rule changed his normal les- for work. But there are teachers who
cal education (penjaskes) teach- sons—from face to face learning to get trouble as they are not used to
Ier at 46 Senior High school, South long distance learning. He admitted this,” said this man, who often called
Jakarta. He knew that the first cases that he could easily adapt to this long by his nickname Indi, to Media Jaya.
of COVID-19 has emerged since last distance learning, since he is used in Even so, Indi explained that there
March but he never expected that the using technology in doing work or an- are teachers who help these troubled
outbreak would affect the learning ac- other activities. But not all teachers teachers to maintain distance learning
tivities. But on March 16th 2020, the like him. Some of the teachers are system. He also knew that not only the
Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan facing difficulties to adapt to the new teachers, many students also face the
has imposed home-based learning system. “I dont really get problems same problems.
20 method to contain the transmission of during this distance learning method The problems faced by the stu-
COVID-19. since I am used in using the internet dents came from many factors such