Page 22 - MEDIAJAYA 5 EDITION 2020
P. 22


              always take time to monitor his child,   cratfts which the parents need to re-  at SMA Barunawati 1 Jakarta, tells an-                                                   CAN I GO FOR
                                                                                other story. He admitted that he found
                                               port to the teachers. In fact, to facil-
              Radit, in doing his home-assignments.
       TOP REPORT  Radit, who are currently in third grade   itate the communication, the teacher   no trouble in doing the distance learn-                                                                MUDIK?
                                               created a WhatsApp group chat for the
              in SDN 09 Pagi, North Petukangan,
                                                                                ing, except for the internet access
                                                                                which keeps disconnecting and dis-
              South Jakarta, has been doing home-
              learning for two months. “He’s been
                                                                                turbed his lessons. “Sometimes the
                                                  “The school  also  requires parent
              on online learning since the school
                                               teachers when the children are doing
              closed in March. It made me always   participations. We have to report to the   sounds went out or the video buffered.
                                                                                I usually communicate through What-
              monitor him when studying. My wife   the assignments. It can be through a   sApp or Zoom,” he said.
              would  also  help  him  study,”  he  ex-  picture  or  video.  We  have  to  actively   The same thing happened to Fah-
              plained.                         participate in teaching them, too. Usu-  dilah. The architecture students at
                 His child’s learning activities starts   ally, my wife will do the job when I’m   the Faculty of Engineering, University
              from 8 AM until 12 PM. The teachers,   off to the office,” he said.  of Indonesia has conducted distance
              he said, has prepared some home as-  He, who works as a journalist for   learning for two months. He said that
              signments for students and for their   one of the capital’s media, is aware   he had no problem in using the tech-  The Jabodetabek area is still imposing PSBB status. All residents must stay at home
              parents to help. They use two types   that his child hasnt fully ready to face   nology since he is used in using the
              of distance learning method: through   the digital learning. Radit is still in   internet to study. “I used to operate         unless those who need to do work in the exempted 11 sectors..
              online and television channels. “So my   primary age and he knew that chil-  Zoom since the outbreak happened.
              kid would learn from an educational   dren under 10 years old need direct   Communicate through WhatsApp and
              program on TVRI and through online   interactions from their teachers. “I   sending the assignments by email.
              channels such  as Youtube  or What-  find myself a bit fussy about this on-  I  have  no  trouble  in  doing  the  tasks
              sApp,” Triyono explained.        line learning, like there is something   from my lecturers,” he said.
                 There are some subjects like   missing,” said Triyono.
              drawing, sports and making handi-   Muhammad, a student of grade 12                                 has

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