Page 11 - JaKita 04rd Edition 2021
P. 11

TOP REPORT             11

              rices of several commodities such as           Additionally, PD Dharma Jaya provides “Meat
              sugar, cooking oil and chicken meat,           Food Truck Goes to Subdistrict” services in
         Pbegan to increase. However, people should          numbers of areas in Jakarta, which has started
          not be worry, as the Jakarta Maritime, Fisheries,   since February 16 to June 4, 2021. The services
          and Food Security Agency (KPKP) has prepared       will be carried out for 10 districts in East Jakarta
          measures to anticipate the surge in pricing        and 33 subdistricts in Central Jakarta. This
          during Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr. They run cheap     strategy aims to facilitate people in getting
          food booths in numbers of areas in Jakarta,        quality meat with competitive pricing. “We have
          such as in Toko Tani Center, traditional makets,   coordinated with head subdistricts to inform
          subdistrict offices and flats.                     the residents (about this service) through their
                                                             local administrators,” said Raditya.
          Acting head of KPKP agency, Suharini Eliawati
          said in order to hold the program, they invited    At the same time, President Director of Food
          several city-owned enterprises like PD Dharma      Station Tjipinang Jaya (FSTJ) Pamrihadi Wiraryo
          Jaya and Food Station Tjipinang Jaya to join       ensured the supply of rice in Jakarta. During this
          them. “Insya Allah, along with several city-       month  of  Ramadan,  up  to  43,808  tons  of  rice
          owned enterprises we can ensure food supply        stocks are available with the following details:
          with stable prices,” she said.                     10,400  tons  stored  at  FSTJ  warehouse,  33,408
                                                             tons at Cipinang Rice Central Market (PIBC) and
          President Director of PD Dharma Jaya, Raditya      up to 10,000 tons at modern markets. “To control
          Endra    Budiman,  revealed  they  have  prepared   the availability and supply of rice at PIBC, we
          frozen beef stocks up to 830 tons and chicken      use early warning system,” he explained.
          meat up to 416 tons. Moreover, they have
          provided 200 cows for the public’s supply.         For  other  commodities  such  as  sugar,  FSTJ
                                                             receives sugar from the State Logistics Agency
          The work to secure beef supply was done by         (Bulog) and other partners for 5,000 tons. They
          importing 1,500 tons of beef from Australia and    have more supply at modern markets, too,
          New Zaeland, from March to November 2021.          for as much 12,000 tons. As for chicken eggs,
          “We were also collaborating with supporting        they received 10 tons of eggs from Putra Blitar
          areas  to  provide  2,775  cow  s  from  February  to   Cooperation, CV Mitra Jaya Bogor and CV
          December 2021,” explained Raditya.                 Radhia Abadi Bandung.

          While for chicken supply, PD Dharma Jaya had       Pamrihadi also mentioned stock availibility for
          gotten supply from several regions, including      cooking oil, which reaches 100,000 liters with
          Banten and Bogor for 50 tons; Boyolali, Demak      47,000 liters out of it stored in FSTJ warehouse.
          and Pati for  100  tons; Jombang  and Mojokerto    While for garlic, the Trade Ministry has issued
          for up to 50 tons and tens of tons more from       Import Permit Letter (SPI) Year 2021 for 14,420
          West Java, Central Java and East Java. “Most       tons garlic. “We are still waiting until Horticultural
          importantly, there are sufficient supplies of beef   Products Import Recommendations (RIPH) 2021
          for this year’s Lebaran (Eid Al-Fitr) to prevent   openings,” he admitted.
          significant surge in prices, so it’ll be affordable
          for everyone,” he continued.                                                                   sya

                                                                                                       4th EDITION 2021
                                                                                       Information Media of The Provincial Government of Jakarta
                                                                                       Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
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