Page 8 - JaKita 04rd Edition 2021
P. 8


         having increased household expenditure in
         Ramadan month. The result, published in
         Journal  of  Islamic Economic and  Business
         Vol.2/2019, shows the  average of household
         consumption  level  for  muslim  families  is
         increasing between 41-50% and 91-100%
         during the fasting month.

         Another study from Brawijaya University
         points out several factors regarding the
         increasing level  of consumption pattern in
         muslim families during Ramadan and Eid-
         Al Fitr days: Two of them are the additional
         income from THR (Eid holiday bonus) and the
         inherited tradition in our community. That is to
         say, when the tradition is to break fasts with
         sweet snacks, it triggers more consumption
         on sugar. Also, there are opor ayam (chicken
         stew with coconut gravy) and rendang (slow-
         cooked meat in coconut milk and spices) for
         Eid meal, which makes escalated consumption
         on meat. The phenomena triggers higher
         demand and price of several commodities
         such as chili, eggs, meat and so on.

         It is recorded that the trend of increasing
         demand usually fluctuates between 10 to 15%
         from  normal  demand,  according  to  acting
         Head of Jakarta Fisheries, Agriculture and
         Food Security (KPKP) Agency Suharini Eliawati.
         Surge in price usually starts 2-6 days prior to
         Ramadan and 2-7 days prior to Eid Al-Fitr. “The
         prices usually increase around 3 to 5 percent,”       the previous year. “Even if there is increase,
         Suharini said. The trend will also happen             it won’t be significant,” he said. For example,
         after Eid, when the stock is decreasing after         the monthly consumption level of garlic was
         Ramadan and Eid period.                               lower than the expected target set by the
         Low Purchasing Power
                                                               Similarly, Chairman of the Indonesian Meat
         In spite of that, business owners have estimated      Traders Association (APDI), Asnawi, said this
         there will be no significant increase in food         year’s  situation  is  no different  than the last
         consumptions for this year’s Ramadan and              year’s. “Even if the  supply  is secured,  that
         Eid days. Chairman of Indonesian Horticultural        doesn’t mean it will be completely  sold,” he
         Association, Anton Muslim Arbi said the               said. According to the projection made from
         weakened purchasing power as an impact                Jakarta government, Asnawi expected meat
         of economic fallout from the pandemic could           demand in April and May 2021 will reach 12,258
         lower the demand of this year’s Ramadan and           tons, which have included demand for this
         Eid days for approximately 50% compared to            year’s Eid.

                         4th EDITION 2021
         Information Media of The Provincial Government of Jakarta
         Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
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