Page 9 - JaKita 04rd Edition 2021
P. 9
Moreover, the city government has been
trying to control price stability.
“We will anticipate (the inflation) during
Ramadan, which we usually discover
annually. We have to ensure it so people
will be reassured. Specifically, we need to
ensure the availibility of staple food stocks
in order to protect the demand and price
stability,” said Anies.
Anies emphasized the importance of
protecting food stock availibility and price
stability, which will keep and even increase
the demand. Thus, it will hopefully boost the
economic of Jakarta.
Jakarta Thus far, the government of Jakarta has
collaborates collaborating with several city-owned
with city-owned enterprises to ensure food stocks in the
enterprises city. They also collaborates with RICT in
to ensure the monitoring price stability to control inflation,
availibility of
food stocks so it will boost positive impacts on Jakarta’s
for people of economic.
Jakarta during yen/sya/sam
Ramadan and
Eid days.
Safran H.
Meanwhile, data from Jakarta KPKP Agency
shows there is decline on the household
consumption level of chicken meat in 2021
for around 1.1% compared to last year’s
98,255 tons demand.
Secured Stock
Meanwhile, governor of Jakarta Anies
Baswedan, when chairing the High Level
Meeting of Regional Inflation Control Team
(RICT) along with the officers at Jakarta
provincial government and city-owned
enterprises (BUMD), has ensured there will
be secured stocks of food for the residents
of Jakarta during Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr.
4th EDITION 2021
Information Media of The Provincial Government of Jakarta
Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta