Page 4 - JaKita 04rd Edition 2021
P. 4

Jendela                                                                    CHIEF EXECUTIVE

                                                                                     The Governor of DKI Jakarta
                                    To Secure Food Stocks                            CHIEF OPERATING
                                         overnment of Jakarta has always been trying   Secretary of The Provincial
                                         to  secure  food  stock  with  affordable prices  for   Government of DKI Jakarta
                                   Gtheir residents.  Approaching  fasting  month of   Assistant Secretary of The
                                   Ramadan and Idul Fitri 1442 H, the government opened   Provincial Government of DKI
                                   cheap markets in several areas of Jakarta. Moreover, to   Jakarta
                                   facilitate the residents in having good quality meat with
                                   affordable  price,  the city  government also collaborates   DIRECTOR
                                   with PD Dharma Jaya to provide Meat Food Truck service   Head of Communication,
                                   in numbers of subdistricts in the city.           Information and Statistics of
                                      Another collaboration was made with Food Station   DKI Jakarta
                                   Tjipinang  (FSTJ) to ensure the availability  of staple   GUARANTOR
                                   food stocks such as rice, sugar and cooking oil. In that   Head of Public Communication
                                   collaboration, PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya prepared
                                   Ramadan and Lebaran special food packages.        EDITOR IN CHIEF
                 Also, in order to ensure the safety and quality of basic food stocks for all the   Head of Media and Public
              residents, government of Jakarta regularly monitors 65 markets in the city. Hence,   Communication Section
              the residents should not need to worry. Have a blessed Ramadan.
                                                                                     DEPUTY EDITOR IN CHIEF
                                                                                     Evi Yulianti
                                                                                     EXCLUSIVE EDITOR
                                                                                     Nuruli Khotimah
                                                                                     MANAGING EDITOR
         FROM THE CITIZENS                                                           Bambang Widodo

          Meat Truck Services in Subdistricts                                        Nanik Ismawati
                                                                                     Peri Irawan

          Dear Pemprov DKI Jakarta,                                                  REPORTERS
                                                                                     Muslim Ambari
                                                                                     Hans Arthur Sinjal
          I want to know the schedule of Meat Food Truck Goes to Subdistricts service.   Fenny Yanti Lukman Budiman
          Is it already operating before Eid?                                        Tegar Rizqon Alfian
                                                                                     Dian Riski Rosmayanti
          Marini Aziz,                                                               Fenty Risya Wardhanny
          East Jakarta
                                                                                     Difa Restiasari
          Dear Marini Aziz,                                                          PHOTOGRAPHERS
                                                                                     Safran Hasibuan
                                                                                     Dharma Wijayanto
          To accommodate the demand of meat, Jakarta government and PD Dharma
          Jaya provide Meat Food Truck Goes to Subdistricts service in East Jakarta   CREATIVE TEAM
          on February 16-June 4, 2021, every Monday to Friday at 9 AM to 2 PM. The   Tommy Kusuma R
          service will be located in subdistrict office by implementing strict health pro-  Fandy Adam
                                                                                     Jose Rizal
          Regards,                                                                   Andik Fitriansyah
          Editorial Team                                                             Devina Ivo Mahendra
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