Page 12 - JaKita 04rd Edition 2021
P. 12

Food Supply and Demand                                                                                                      5                        6                          7                        8

           for Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr 2021
                                                                                                                                Bird’s Eye Chili               Beef                    Chicken                 Chicken Egg

                                                                                                                               Supply :                  Supply :                  Supply :                 Supply :

                   1                        2                         3                         4                              1,406 tons                15,064 tons               8,900 tons               8,218 tons
                                                                                                                               Demand :                  Demand :                  Demand :                 Demand :
                 Rice                     Onion                     Garlic               Curly Red Chili                       1,375 tons                1,965 tons                8,091 tons               7,399 tons

           Supply :                 Supply :                  Supply :                  Supply :                               Price :                   Price :                   Price :                  Price :
           305,313 tons             2,844 tons                1,747 tons                2,117 tons                             Rp 54,000 –               Rp 120,000-               Rp 28,000 –              Rp 21,000-
                                                                                                                               Rp  140,000/kg            Rp 150,000/kg             55,000/kg                Rp 25,000/kg
           Demand :                 Demand :                  Demand :                  Demand :
           82,334 tons              2,484 tons                1,563 tons                2,095 tons

           Price :                  Price :                   Price :                   Price :                                        9                       10
           Rp 9,800 –               Rp 18,000 -               Rp 19,000 –               Rp  33,000 –
           Rp 13,000/kg             Rp 50,000/kg              Rp  40,000/kg             Rp  65,000/kg
                                                                                                                                     Sugar                 Cooking Oil

                                                                                                                               Supply :                  Supply :
                                                                                                                               11,184 tons               24,121 tons
                                                 Jakarta Five Strategies to Secure
                                                 Food Stocks                                                                   Demand :                  Demand :
                                                                                                                               4,239 tons                7,963 tons
                                                         Expand cooperation between city-owned enter-
                                                         prises and food-producing areas.                                      Price :                   Price :
                                                                                                                               Rp 13,000-                Rp 12,000 –
                                                         Increase development for cold storages, CAS                           Rp 17,000/kg              Rp 15,000/liter
                                                         machines, JakGrosir, Mini DC (distribution
                                                         center) outlets in Jakarta in order to shorten
                                                         food supply chain.

                                                         Provide frozen foods and hold socialization to
                                                         inform people that frozen food may benefit as
                                                         substitution with sufficient stock and more
                                                         affordable price, like frozen buffalo meat.

                                                         Monitor food stock and price in traditional
                                                         markets, storehouses, city-run stores to ensure
                                                         food prices stability.

                                                         Coordinate with city-owned enterprises and
                                                         food security task-forces to ensure food stock
                                                         and prices.
                                                                                                                        Source: Collected from multiple food data sources,
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