Page 15 - JaKita 04rd Edition 2021
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euni can only gave in as commodities face
rising in prices lately. For example, sugar
Jprice rises from Rp 13,000 to Rp 14,000 per kg.
Not only sugar, cooking oil price also increases,
from Rp 12,000 to Rp15,000 per kg. Even when the
rise is not too significant, for Jeuni, it is enough
to put a strain on her business. For small sellers If I don’t raise the price, I wouldn’t get
like her, she doesn’t have much for a capital— to buy more stocks.
the revenue from her selling products is even
not enough to regain more goods for her stall. Jeuni,
“Since I have only limited capital, I would only commodity trader.
stock goods that are necessary,” she said.
In fact, to gain that little amount of income,
Jeuni had to argue with her customers when
they try to bargain. “If I don’t raise the price, I
wouldn’t get to buy more stocks,” she said to
JaKita at Kramat Jati market, earlier on April.
she’d get compared to those in warungs, she’d
It’s most challenging for Jeuni when the price of have more options on what to buy. “It’s better
red eye bird’s chili was rising to Rp 100,000 per to shop at the market since they have cheaper
kg. As she couldn’t afford the price, she went to prices,” she told JaKita.
Kramat Jati market at East Jakarta to search
for a more affordable price. “I had to raise the Saminah admitted during these days, some
selling price, too, even if I had to be complained commodities face surge in prices, though she
by my customers,” she admitted. also relieved that some has also dropped, like
the curly red chili which gradually drops for Rp
Although the surge in prices during Ramadan 85,000 per kg. “It was really expensive before. I
is common, Jeuni found their customers only had to stop making sambal for a week,” she told
did complain during this pandemic time. “I JaKita on April.
guessed it was because many people had
their income cut, so it’s really challenging when Besides curly red chili, there is also decline in
there is surge in prices.” she said. Moreover, she chicken eggs price. If previously the price is Rp
admitted that her turnover is falling sharply 24,000 per kg, now it is Rp 22,000 per kg. Only
since COVID-19 pandemic began. If previously chicken meat that has price rising to Rp 45,000
she could get profit of hundreds of thousands for one chicken. “The chicken price is a little
rupiahs, today, it’s really hard to get even tens higher, but it’s still okay,” said Saminah.
of thousands rupiahs. “There are fewer people
who go shopping. If there is any, they will only Ahead of Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr this
get staple foods like eggs and rice,” told Jeuni. year, Saminah could only hope the price of
commodity will stay cheap, for his husband’s
Meanwhile, Saminah, a housewife lives in income had been dropped since the pandemic
Kampung Makasar East Jakarta, has to get began. “We are grateful just for being able to
her vegetable stocks in markets to have an eat,” she ended.
affordable prices. Besides the cheaper price gro
4th EDITION 2021
Information Media of The Provincial Government of Jakarta
Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta