Page 19 - JaKita 04rd Edition 2021
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successfully log in, residents can choose their how people create webs. I was curious to know
request, whether on ordering electronic ID the process, thus, I chose to study IT,” admitted
card (e-KTP), family card (KK), birth certificate, Raditya.
death certificate or Child Identity Card (KIA),”
explained Raditya. He started his career at Population and Registry
agency in South Jakarta subsidiary company.
He hopes the service will always be developed. After just three months serving at the office,
Hence, he is committed to always expand he was transferred to Jakarta Population and
the service. “We are thinking of making the Registry agency. Today, he serves as Head
process of printing (the documents) possible of App Software and Database Management
at home, no need to come to the subdistrict at Population Information Technology
offices,” said Raditya. Management Unit (UPTIK).
Loves Playing Games In the future, Raditya wants nothing but to
create something beneficial for the residents.
Raditya has been into technology since he For this awardee of Tempo’s Tokoh Metro, to
was in senior high school. He, who got his hold a certain position means to keep grounded
master degree in Information Technology for the amanah one’s gained. “I’ll let it flow like
from University of Indonesia, loved to play the water. What’s most important for me that I
games. The hobby made him interested to do what I do wholeheartedly,” he ended.
dig deeper the field of IT. “It fascinates me gro
“Through this application, people can
choose when to pick the documents.”
Raditya Wirawan,
Head of App Software and Database
Management at Population Information
Technology Management Unit (UPTIK)
From inside this
room, Raditya
breeds Alpukat
Betawi app.
Safran H.
4th EDITION 2021
Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Information Media of The Provincial Government of Jakarta