Page 16 - JaKita 04rd Edition 2021
P. 16

           16     COLUMN


          “Does the wind blow in Jakarta/ like it’s blown  Kawa/ I wed you with the wind/ The water as
          from Melati/ Could I ever find a love again/ The  your guardian/ The land as your witness/ The
          root  of  a  Wonosari.”  Umbu Landu Paranggi put  sun as the witness of your sorrow.”
          tones into his poem, which he wrote in around
          1970. I was watching his video during Poetry  Dearest Umbu, behind the city skyscrappers,
          Night Zoom to reminisce this legendary poet,  people are using empty lands for urban farming:
          who was dearly passed away in April 6, 2021. My  they  plant  vegetables  and  breed  catfish  and
          eyes got teary, despite the fact that I have never  tilapia. On the edge of Ciliwung river—just like
          encountered the man, a son of East Sumba King,  what you wrote in Rendra, 1955—they grow
          who died at 77.                                   spinach and pak choi. During this pandemic
                                                            time, they grow greeneries on their house and
          Umbu was born in Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara,  office yards. In fact, we have planted vegetation
          where the dry season often lasts for nine months  in pipes at the city hall.
          long. He compared Jakarta to Melati village near
          Wonosari, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta—does the  Dearest Umbu, the wind still blows in Jakarta.
          wind blow in Jakarta, asked the President of  It blows away the plant-pollens, which we can
          Malioboro—like it was in green hills of Wonosari,  easily get at stores, even at the kiosks on the
          a place not so far from Yogya, a city where he  roadside. The residents of this city plant and
          lived for 15 years (1960-1975) and evolved to be  grow them, to harvest them in the future. They
          as great as Emha Ainun Nadjib and Ebit G. Ade.    saved them not only for themselves, but also
                                                            for sale. Don’t be sad, dearest Umbu, just like
          It reminded me of Jacob Tanda, also a son of  your poem says: “Terlontar jauh ke sudut kota/
          East Sumba, when I met him in 2013. He, who is  Kenangkanlah  jua yang  celaka/ Orang usiran
          the head of Mbatakapidu village in Waingapu,  kota raya.”  Moreover,  “Pulanglah ke desa/
          pioneered food barn system so his people won’t  Membangun esok hari/ Kembali ke huma
          starve in dry season. “If you want to be starved,  berhati.”
          let’s starved together. If you want to be full, let’s
          be full together. It’s common to be born into  Dearest Umbu, it’s been almost half a decade
          poverty, but it’s unusual to die into one,” said  since you asked in your poem. Jakarta has
          Jacob, who invited his people to plant banana,  evolved greatly, Umbu. The wind breezes with
          corn, tubers, sorghums, lentils and many more  the butterflies, which flies around the flowery
          on their own yard.                                roadsides of Thamrin and Sudirman streets. We
                                                            can  see  the  city  farmers  over  the  Dukuh  Atas
          Jacob Tanda leads sovereignty and food security  park, who are busy planting and watering the
          in a dry land like Sumba. Thus, does the wind still  vegetables on the riverside. Then I remembered
          blow in the metropolitan city of Jakarta, blends  the verse in Rendra:  “Life is the beads of
          away their pollens to reproduce?  The verse of  probability/ happened through the sun’s
          Umbu’s  poet  sits  in  my  mind  while  I’m  thinking  beams/ Without a strong heart/ our eyes only
          of the Gayo coffee farmers—when they grow the  witness a mirage.”
          coffee, which said to be named after a lady: “Siti                                  Ramdan Malik

                         4th EDITION 2021
         Information Media of The Provincial Government of Jakarta         4th EDITION 2021

         Sarormation Media of The Provincial Government of Jakarta
         Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakartaana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
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