Page 13 - MEDIAJAYA 2 EDITION 2020
P. 13

MEDIA JAYA | 02 2020

              duction of waste, not only the   Bersama (Samtama) Pro-  (of doing the program) if   eos of how to create com-
              processing of the waste. Es-  gram. It means, the waste   there are assistance. We   post, waste sorting and
              pecially in the residential ar-  management is not only   have set models for areas   manage waste bank, as
              eas, specifically the house-  the  government’s  respon-  where there are no inte-  well as on how to raise peo-
              holds waste.             sibility but also the com-  grated waste management   ple awareness of this pro-
                                       munities who generated it.   systems. Now that the pro-  gram. We hoped that the
              Will it target the household?  This program is integrated   gram gets successful like it   video can be some kind of a
                                       in to one community units   was in Cempaka Putih, the   simple tutorial they can use
                 Yes. The first task we   (RWs). Through this pro-  area  is  getting  clean  and   anytime.
              need to solve is on how to   gram, we need to invite   neat.
              change the communities’ be-  the communities to reduce                    How much of the waste re-
              haviour. They ought to have   household waste with the   How is the progress for the   duction does DKI Jakarta
              a new perspective on waste.   mentioned strategies.  assistant staffs?    hope to achieve?
              The garbages are not mere-
              ly wasted, but can be recycled   How does it run in the   We are preparing 2,742   We have target that by
              to be fertilizers.       RWs?                    assistants for RWs, by giv-  2021 the waste production
                                                               ing them trainings. Pre-  in Jakarta will be reduced
              Does it mean the communi-   There will be inte-  viously,  we  get  them  by 22%, and by 2025 it will
              ties need to be involved in   grated waste banks in the   self-confidence  training  reduce by 30%. We have
              waste management?        RWs.  When  a  house  pro-  because they were cleaning   planned the infrastructures
                                       duces only small amount   service staffs before this.   and assistant staffs, so the
                 Their involvement is very   of waste, the waste will be   We train them to be facili-  program needs to be done   13
              important. There are three   stored in the waste banks.   tators, that will be an equal   gradually with the support
              aranged strategies; first is   Then, they will later plan   level to the head of RWs.  of the communities’ collab-
              the front door strategy or   biopores for organic waste.                  orations.
              the pre-consumption, means   That scheme will only be   What kind of training given
              we need to properly plan our   successful if all the com-  to the assistant staffs?  The  provincial  govern-
              needs, how it will affect the   munities are awere.                       ment of Jakarta (Pemprov
              production of waste. The sec-                       There are skills train-  DKI) will limit theh use of
              ond one is the central door,   Has this program been   ings, such as self-con-  single use plastics on this
              the consumption time; we   tested?               fidence training, public   July,  how is the implemen-
              need to be wise so that what                     speaking training and how   tation?
              we consumed will not end up   In 2019 we have test-  to facilitate the communi-
              being trashes. The last one is   ed the program in 22 RWs.   ties on waste management    We will strictly centers
              the back door; when it is fi-  This year we will replicate   program. They are also giv-  the regulations in shopping
              nally being trash, we need to   the program in 2,742 RWs,   en the leadership training   sectors.  We have socialized
              know how to treat the resi-  which means all of the RWs   and most importantly, how   the rule to shopping centers
              dues.  For  example,  we  can   in Jakarta. We have pre-  to collab with the commu-  managements,  malls,  su-
              recycle drink bottles to be   pared trained staffs and as-  nities.       permarkets, minimarkets
              pencil cases or the organic   sistants to be in each RW.                  and people’s markets’ man-
              waste to be used as compost.                     How about the technical   agements. PD Pasar Jaya
                                       How many assistant staffs   trainings?           have committed to all tradi-
              How do you approach the   are there right now?                            tional markets will not use
              communities to take parts in                        By the technical train-  plastic bags since July 1st.
              the waste management?       We have made a mod-  ings we teach them how to   In fact, some of the tenants
                                       el. Each cities have four as-  sort waste, make compost,   in malls had already applied
                 We have launched the   sistants. I am sure that the   and cultivate maggots. We   the rule long before this
              Sampah Tanggung Jawab    communities will be able   also prepared training vid-  regulation was out.   gro
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