Page 11 - MEDIAJAYA 2 EDITION 2020
P. 11
MEDIA JAYA | 02 2020
our mindsets, that trashes can be recy- and disposing to a new paradigm of pro- explained Andono.
cled by reducing, sorting and recycling cessing, reusing and recycling. Furthermore, the assitant staffs will
them,” said Anies. The head of DKI Jakarta’s Envi- also get technical ability training, such
That day on the commemoration of rontmental Services Andono Warih ex- as sorting waste, creating products like
HPSN, Anies asked all of the commu- plained, the process of reducing waste compost, recycling non-organic waste,
nities of Jakarta to handle the waste by production allows people to choose the and culturing maggots. The Environ-
Kupilah strategy. He targeted 30% of last strategy, which is to sort organ- mental Services also prepared a video
the total household can be reduced by ic and non-organic waste. The organic showinng how to make compost, sort
the strategy, and the rest of 70% will be waste can be used as compost, while waste, handle and manage waste bank
processed in the Integrated Waste Pro- the non-organic waste can be recycled and to raise people’s awareness. “With
cessing Site (TPST) or will be reused to usable products. “The last strategy those tutorials we hope to remind our
by adding the economic value, such as needss the participants of many pople, community before they get started,” An-
making them as energy source. “Insy- in order to make it works,” he said. dono added.
aAllah we can reduce the burden by re- Hence, in order to conduct this Sam-
cycling those 30% of waste,” he said, op- tama program, Andono said that in ev- Proven to Reduce Waste
timistic. ery community units (RW) they had to
Every year the waste generation in form a group of trained people who The success of Samtama program
Jakarta is always increasing. Current- know how to reduce, sort, and pro- emerged in numbers of area, one of
ly, Jakarta has generated 7,600 tons of cess waste in their assigned area. The which is in RW 03 East Cempaka Putih,
waste per day. According to the data of community also had integrated waste Central Jakarta. According to Adian Su-
Environtmental Service of DKI Jakar- bank which connected to the communi- diana, this program would reduce the
ta, the biggest waste producer coming ties’ houses. “The organic waste can be potential waste by 1.4 tons per month.
from the residentials area (60%), fol- stored in the bank so they can form bio- He said that the waste manage-
lowed by the commercial and industrial pores together. The biopores will benefit ment method on its very first source had
waste (29%). the organic waste and to add soil water. been successful once the communities
The Provincial Government of DKI It is an integrated and united benefit for start to culturing maggots and creating
Jakarta (Pemprov DKI) has conducted one area,” he explained. composter bins and using waste bank. 11
several efforts in order to reduce the He hoped that the program will run There were also Technology Guidance
volume of waste in the Capital. Road- continually so it will achieve the 30% re- (Bimtek), workshops and focus group
map of waste management had been duction goal. Pemprov DKI has set a tar- discussions which are helpful for the
set, showing the scheme of waste man- get that if every one conduct this Sam- communities. “Those various ways will
agement from the downstream to up- tama program, waste generation in certainly provide direct examples on
stream areas. It is stressing on the Jakarta will be reduced by 22% in 2021 how to properly manage waste,” he said.
changing paradigm which now focus- and 30% in 2025. Besides Samtama, Pemprov DKI
ing on the collaboration with the com- also increased the quantity of waste
munities and stakeholders to take parts Assistant Staffs processing sites (TPS) for reduce, re-
in handling the trash. use, recycle (3R) in order to reduce
Pemprov DKI had also arranged a The program, which released in the amount of waste in the capital city.
strategy, shown in a Regional Strategic 2019 is now being conducted in 22 RWs With those 3R method, the sorted types
Activities (KSD) which consists of reduc- as pilot areas. This year, Pemprov DKI of waste can be recycled in those TPS.
ing waste production, the optimalization have replicated the Samtama program Moreover, the Environmental Services
of TPST Bantargebang and the building to 2,742 RWs and prepared trained staffs has cooperated with the Agency for the
of Intermediate Treatment Facility (ITF). to assist each RW. “The communities Assessment and Application of Technol-
Reducing Waste Production will get to learn how to manage waste ogy (BPPT) to build garbage power plant
To reduce waste production, Pem- by their assistance and implement it in (PLTSa).
prov DKI has released a strategy of Sam- their daily routines,” said Andono. They also prepared a Gubernato-
tama, which stands for Sampah Tang- Before the assistance, the staffs who rial Regulation about the use of envi-
gung Jawab Bersama, a movement that are mostly garbage collectors will get ronmentally friendly bags. With that
define waste management as a shared trained at first. They will get self-confi- regulation, all shopping centers man-
responsibilty. It aims to invite people to dence training, public speaking training agements, modern or traditional mar-
actively participate in sorting and re- and the ability to facilitate the communi- kets will no longer be allowed to use
ducing waste. It is also hoped that the ties to handle waste. “Most importantly, single-use plastic bags.
movement will successfully change the the assistant staffs have to engage in a
old paradigm of collecting, transporting collaborations with the communities,” bam/ros/irw