Page 12 - MEDIAJAYA 2 EDITION 2020
P. 12
Head of Jakarta Environmental Service, Andono Warih
“We’re Targeting Waste
Reduction by 30 Percent”
ata from the Environtmental How is the waste management going what we need to change.
Services (DLH) of DKI Jakar- in Jakarta so far?
Dta has shown that 61% of total What needs to be changed?
waste in Jakarta came from the res- In waste management there are
idential areas. Hence, DLH will invite two main activities, which are reduc- There will be only the residue that
the involvement of the communities ing and processing the waste. We’ve will end up in the TPA. In order to
to manage waste, as a part of reduc- been focused in processing the waste make it happen, we need to change
ing waste production. How is the im- produced by the communities; we col- our mindset; the garbage we pro-
plementation of the program? Here is lect and transport them to the Waste duced are not merely wasted, we can
our interview with the Head of the En- Processing Sites (TPS), transported by turn them into industrial materials or
virontmental Services (DLH) of DKI Ja- the waste trucks to the Final Dispos- raw materials to be recycled. So we
karta, Andono Warih. al Site (TPA) in Bantargebang. That is focused on the reduction of the pro-