P. 8
1. Cleaning service
officer sorted the
waste in the tem-
porary waste dump
site (TPS).
2.After being sorted
and collected,
plastic waste will be
recycled to be useful
Safran H.
ness and care in waste management,”
searcher Nirwono Joga said that Ja- to city/regency. Each of the staffs from said Nirwono.
karta needs a new paradigm in its those community are responsible to
waste management system. The cur- solve the waste problem in their own Waste Management Roadmap
rent running operation in waste man- administrative areas, thus optimizing
agement, he said, can not really solve the waste handling in the overload- The Head of DKI Jakarta’s En-
the waste problem in Jakarta. “The ed TPS. The capacity of TPST Bantar vironmental Service, Andono Warih
method of collecting, sorting and Gebang is said to be able to contain said that Pemprov DKI has arranged
transporting waste needs to be re- waste for only 2-3 years ahead. a roadmap of waste management
placed because it is out of date and Nirwono agreed with Pemprov system, showing the areas of the up-
takes too much time and money. More DKI’s new strategy. His only concern stream to downstream. “Pemprov DKI
importantly, it did not seem to solve was to find the solution on how to are trying to change the old paradigm,
our waste problem,” said he. change the mindset of the community which are the sorting, collecting and
He believed that waste should be to handle their waste, such as how to transporting models to the new ones:
managed from its sources on the first- sort the waste before it gets discard- Reuse and recycle,” he said.
hand. The process of sorting needs ed. He also concerned about the im- According to him, the government
to be occured in the beginning, starts portance of 3R movements—Reduce, are responsible for the waste menage-
from the households area (local com- Reuse, Recycle which can significantly ment activities including the sorting,
munity based), residential or indus- cut down the amount of waste. collecting, transporting, and the final
trial area, offices, shopping centers, The communities need to be asked process. In the meantime, the Reduce,
traditional markets and recreational and take parts in the process of reduc- Reuse and Recycle (3R) activities need
places. tion of waste, repair and use reusable to be done through collaboration be-
The maintaining and handling pro- things. They also need to be able to re- tween the communities. “We currently
cess need to be done in order: starts cycle waste, which is an ultimate way focus on how to reduce waste from the
from neighborhood units (RT) and in this waste management method. sources. We will be targeting 30% of
community units (RW), urban villages “The key in waste management is on waste reduction,” explained Andono.
(kelurahan), subdistricts (kecamatan) the people. We need to build aware- Pemprov DKI has conducted sev-