Page 15 - MEDIAJAYA 2 EDITION 2020
P. 15
MEDIA JAYA | 02 2020
Reducing Plastic Waste rest of them will be packed in small cial bags to their GoFood drivers and
bags to be distributed to the visitors ask them to reduce the use of plastics.
Collaboration is a key to manage as a form of education. Furthermore, Gojek has supported
waste. One of the efforts in reducing While the organic waste is being the eco-friendly lifestyle by providing
waste from Pemprov DKI is to col- composted, the anorganic waste like the use of eating utensils. Costumers
laborate with Danone-AQUA and The plastic waste will be sorted and com- would need to choose an option to pur-
Ocean Cleanup: The collaboration is to pacted. This compacted waste will be chase the single-use eating utensils.
tried out the interceptor vehicle, a tool distributed to the waste bank which Special bags used for GoFood de-
to filter plastic waste. Using the tools, managed by the North Jakarta’s envi- liveries are very useful for Gojek driv-
the Jakarta Environmental Agency ronmental agency. Some of the plastic ers as it enables them to maximize the
would clean rivers regularly to prevent waste such as plastic bottles will be productivities as well as to reduce the
plastic waste to flow towards the sea. used as decoration art, which shows plastic waste. “This special bags are
Moreover, some of the business- in Ancol’s Sea World. specially designed for the comfort of
men has conducted various inisi- Ancol has also banned the use of Gojek drivers, it keep the qualities of
ative to reduce waste. One of them is styrofoam containers since 2008. They GoFood’s merchants until it arrived
PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tb. The also reduced the use of plastic straws to the customers,” explained Gede
management of Ancol tourist area had in all of their restaurants since last Manggala, Gojek VP for Regions Ops
applied waste management programs year. Moreover, Ancol has this sort- and Jabodetabek.
named Ancol Zero Waste. With this ing waste program called Ancol Waste Hoka Hoka Bento (Hokben), the
program, Ancol area had successfully Sorting Movement (AWESOME) in all Japanese fastfood took part in prac-
managed an avarege of 10 m of waste of the business units. It will later in- tice by allowing their customers to
per day. vite the visitors in Taman Impian area bring their own lunch boxes to take-
This program would process the to start sorting waste. away orders. Furthermore, Hokben 15
organic waste to be compost (com- Gojek, an online-based trans- has pioneering the use of eco-friend-
posting) with the total production of portation company, has invited their ly containers for their food, which
800 kg/month in average. This made- partners and customers to active- has been certified by Indonesia Solid
up compost will then be used to the ly participating in reducing the use of Waste Association (InSWA).
park inside the Ancol area, and the single-use plastics. Gojek gave spe- bam/ sya
1. PT Pembangunan
Jaya Ancol disrib-
uted free fertilizers
to the residents
in Cempaka Putih
Timur village, Cen-
tral Jakarta.
2. In the commemo-
ration of National
Waste Awareness
Day (HPSN), group
of Satpol PP officers
received free fertil-
Humas doc .