Page 20 - MEDIAJAYA 2 EDITION 2020
P. 20
TOP REPORT The Precursor of
Plastic-Free Markets
Tebet Barat Market in South Jakarta started to ban the use of
single-use plastic bags.
ig sized banner was set at the
front gate of Tebet Barat mar-
Bket in South Jakarta. “Plas-
tic Free Market” was written on it.
The market which located on Te-
bet Barat Dalam street, Tebet Subis-
trict, South Jakarta, is one of the pre-
cursor market in applying the rule of
plastic free in Jakarta. It refers to the
Gubernatorial Regulations (Pergub)
No.142/2019 regarding the obligation
to use the environmentally friendly
bags in shopping centers, supermar-
kets and people’s markets.
Therefore, it’s common to see
people using their own grocery bags
when Media Jaya had a visit to Tebet
market. One of the them was Arie, a