Page 21 - MEDIAJAYA 2 EDITION 2020
P. 21
MEDIA JAYA | 02 2020
40 year-old woman who said she were ing the government to reduce plas- ta (Pemprov DKI) to use the environ-
fully aware of the negative impact on tic waste by bringing my own shop- mentally-friendly bags. For him, the
using the single-use plastic bags. ping bags. It’s now become a habit to use of plastic bags will destroy the en-
Hence, it encouraged her to bring her always bring them on with me,” she vironment. “It’s good to have the regu-
own environmentally-friendly bags to said. lation. We no longer need to prepare
put on her groceries. “I already bring The same thing happened with plastic bags as the customers will
my own grocery bag from home, con- Gabi (38), also a private-employee, bring their own bags,” he said.
sidering I will have a lot of groceries who is aware of the negative impact President Director of Perumda
today. I already got two,” said she who on the environment by using plastic Pasar Jaya, Arief Nasrudin realized
works as private- employee. bags. She knows that besides hard to that they need to socialize both busi-
That day she brought black fabric decompose, plastic bags will polute nessmen and the customers in us-
bags, and had a logo of one of well- soil and water. “I’d bring this tote bag ing the environmentally friendly bags.
known private companies in Indone- often, so no need to use plastic bags,” Therefore, his staffs set on the ban-
sia. She had used them for months she said as she was rushingly out the ners to invite people to massively re-
now not only because the supermar- market. duce the use of plastics at the market.
kets had charged plastic bags, but she Said (55), a household appliances He hoped that the communities will
can also contibrute to help reducing seller, told us that he supported the gradually leave the use of single-use
plastic waste. “I am indeed support- effort of the government of DKI Jakar- plastic bags, considering the regula-