Page 22 - MEDIAJAYA 2 EDITION 2020
P. 22
tion will officially start in July 2020.
“In the Pergub, the management
of shopping centers and people’s mar- According to Gubernatorial Instruction
kets will require their business practi-
TOP REPORT tioners to use environmentally-friend- No.107/2019:
ly bags, and to ban single-use plastics.
Thus, we keep on socializing them,”
Aried said.
He hoped the socialization will
area of Jakarta Provincial
reach not only the people in Tebet - Reduce and sort trashes in the
Barat and Tebet Timur markets but Government.
also the other markets in Jakarta, so
later in July 2020, all the communities - Prepare sorting trash bins in every
will get to bring their own eco-friend- corner of the offices.
ly bags. “We always do the approach-
ing: we ask the customers to always - Recycle sorted waste.
bring their own grocery bags. This - Sort waste based on the
awareness need to be raised in order
to reduce the use of single-use plas- guidelines.
tic bags. - Collect trashes according to
Moreover, Arief felt grateful for
1. In 1978, Tebet market was 4. They followed the Gubernatorial
considered as traditional market Regulations No.142/2019 regarding the the enthusiasm from the traders who schedule.
in Tebet area, South Jakarta. obligation to use the environmentally friendly have committed to start the use of
bags in shopping centers, supermarkets and environmentally-friendly bags. They - Establish Waste Banks in offices
2. In 1991, the government of people’s markets.
Jakarta started to expand the area even started it since the end of Feb- and school areas.
for Tebet Barat and Tebet Timur 5. Started from July 1 , 2020, all of shopping ruary. “Eventhough the regulation will
markets. centers, supermarkets and people’s markets be started on July 1 , most of the trad-
must use eco-friendly bags when shopping.
22 3. Since early 2020, Tebet Barat and ers have prepared and started to use In 2020,
Tebet Timur markets being the pio- environmentally-friendly bags. The
neer in using plastic-free bags. Infographic/Tommy.K.R consumers should bring their own each offices and schools must
bags from home,” he said. has
establish Waste Banks.
Sort your trash into 7 types of waste bins:
1. People in Tebet
Barat market were Organics Papers E-Waste B-3 plastics Metals Residue
using eco-friendly
bags when shop-
2. Tebet Barat and
Tebet Timur mar- Let’s Do The 3R! (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle):
kets were the first
to apply the free- Be responsible of our daily consumptions so there will
plastic uses since
July 1st, 2020.
be no trash wasted.
Safran H.
Pemprov DKI Jakarta @DKIJakarta