Page 20 - MEDIAJAYA EDITION 7 2020
P. 20

Business Survival Tips

      TOP REPORT                   in Pandemic Time

                      Amid the pandemic situation, business owners are persistent in using social media and
                           e-commerce platforms to sell their products. It helps increase their revenue.

                 ike a bolt from the blue; that   reality. “Our company can’t survive,”   sum  (Indonesian  sweet  coconut  rice
                 was what happened to Gabriela   she said.                    porridge), since her friends often give
            Lin March 2020. This 40-year old    With  her  severance  pay  in  hand,   compliment for her home-made bu-
            woman got laid off from her work ev-  she tried to think of any ideas to run   bur sumsum. “I only sell them to my
            enthough she has been working there   a new business. She realized that dur-  friends at first, and ask for their re-
            for a long time. The lay offs did not   ing this testing time of pandemic, she   views on Instagram,” she explained.
            happen to her only but also to dozens   wont get a new job easily. She has   Soon, her bubur sumsum become
            of her workmates. They dont get de-  thought of opening culinary business,   popular. After creating social me-
            cent amount of severance payment,   giving the fact that she has fine cook-  dia account for her business, she got
            only a thank you note and a piece of   ing and baking skill. “I can only cook,”   more sales during Ramadhan than
            employee termination letter. Amid the   she said modestly.        from the previous months, though she
            harsh truth, Gabriela can not avoid the   She then chose to sell bubur sum-  didn’t tell the exact amount of prof-

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