Page 21 - MEDIAJAYA EDITION 7 2020
P. 21

MEDIA JAYA | 07 2020

            it she had. “It’s enough to buy daily   earnings as I dont get to play in any   he started to sell Mie Babon in Tham-
            needs.” Gabriela said. She knew that   gigs,” said Andy.          rin 10. “I just started this new Mie Ba-
            she was facing a hard time, but she   He realized that what currently   bon business here in Thamrin 10 since
            persists. She plans on keep selling   happens in Indonesia also happens   2019.  I want to make  it popular and
            bubur sumsum through social me-  in other countries, so he wont give up   open some branches within the coun-
            dia and next to expand it to online ojek   in any way. That’s what encourages   try,” said this man, who has also joined
            platform.                        him  to  sell  siomay  and  sambal  cumi   Japreneur.
               Andy, a 37 year old man also does   through  social  media  platforms.  He   He chose to be an entrepreneur
            the same thing. He started to sell cu-  believes that to sell products online,   since he was 29. Before starting his
            linary products through social media   he doesn’t need to have a lot of funds.   role as an entrepreneur, he worked in
            platforms. Before running his Dapur   He doesn’t need to rent a store. “I sell   a private company. He left the job to
            Owen business, he worked as gui-  all of the products online. In the begin-  focus on starting his culinary business
            tarist and guitar teacher. Since the   ning, I tried to sell them to my friends.   and joined Jakpreneur, where he got
            emerge of COVID-19, his music activi-  When they told me it’s tasty, I got con-  valuable lessons on how to be an en-
            ties stopped: he could not teach, too,   fident and started to sell them online   trepreneur. He admit that it was hard
            as the music school where he’s teach-  (through social media),” he explained.  for him to start the business at first,
            ing at was closed. “I still play music,   Fahmi, a 33 year old man has been   given the fact that he didn’t have much
            though. But since this corona virus ap-  running his business since 2017. At   money to run it. But as his intention
            peared I have to sell siomay (Indone-  first, he was selling sate taichan (spicy   persisted,  he  dared to  start.  “As  I’m
            sian dumpling) and sambel cumi (In-  chicken skewers) and managed to   willing to it, I work hard to get the cap-
            donesian chili sauce with squid) to get   have five branches in Jakarta. In 2019,   ital,” he said.


                                              “I was following my fellow UMKM (Micro,
                                              Small and Medium Enterprises) owners to join
                                              Jakpreneur. I got 50% from the trainings and
                                              I was given a location to run my business. It
                                              helps small enterprises like mine.”

                                              a member of Jakpreneur.

                                               One of the e-com-
                                               merce applications
                                               to sell products
                                             Dharma W.
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