Page 22 - MEDIAJAYA EDITION 7 2020
P. 22
As we already know, COVID-19
TOP REPORT pandemic and the imposing of Large dra is optimistic that the income will coming one is about cashflow man-
gradually increase. He also admitted
agement with speakers from banks,”
that he is grateful for joining Jakpre-
Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) has
explained Tuty.
She told Media Jaya that large
affected businesses, causing disrup-
neur. “I’ve joined Jakpreneur since the
number of business sectors have tak-
tions in their cash flow. Hence, the
very beginning and I am thankful that
social media platforms became a key
for entrepreneurs, including Fahmi, I did,” he said. en negative impact from the pandem-
ic. Hence, business owners who joined
He added that to become an en-
to keep selling their products. He was trepreneur, one must have strong will Jakpreneur will get training on how to
also thankful for joining Jakpreneur and not easily give up. It is important, sell their products online. Those who
last year, where he get entrepreneur- too, to be eager to learn new things used to do face to face marketing be-
ship lessons and trainings. In fact, he and join communities in order to get fore the pandemic hits, will need to
had the chance of having store to run valuable lessons from experienced shift and sell their business online.
his business. “I was following my fel- entrepreneurs. “It’s hard to seek for a “Though some of them still run the
low UMKM (Micro, Small and Medium new job these days, we also at risk for business offline, their income keep
Enterprises) owners to join Jakpre- losing another job we have. For fellow decreasing,” she said.
neur. I got 50% from the trainings and millenials who are willing to run busi- Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, and
I was given a location to run my busi- ness, dont forget to join Jakpreneur, SME Agency at Central Jakarta Sub-
ness. It helps small enterprises like where you can get assistance in be- sidiary Company had once conduct-
mine,” said Fahmi. coming entrepreneur that you dream ed online trainings for more than 100
Chandra, the owner of Kedai of,” he said. business owners, where they got to
Trotoar who also joined Jakpreneur, learn how to make pancakes. Anoth-
has been using social media plat- Online Entrepreneurship Lesson er trainings were also held through-
forms, too, to sell his drinking prod- out Jakarta, inviting key speakers of
ucts. He who sells smoothie in Tham- Head of Jakarta Empowerment, experts and professionals. Since to-
22 rin 10 area admitted that the revenue Child Protection and Population Con- day, Jakpreneur has been collaborat-
was decreased during PSBB mea- trol Agency, Tuty Kusumawati said ing with online transportations, banks
sures. However, during the transition- that business owners who joined Jak- and e-commerces like Tokopedia,
al period of PSBB, businesses started preneur will get online trainings and Bank DKI, Bukalapak, Shopee, Gojek
to revive. Eventhough the earnings are consultations during pandemic time. and Grab.
not as much as they got before, Chan- “There are online workshops; the up- has