Page 19 - MEDIAJAYA EDITION 7 2020
P. 19
MEDIA JAYA | 07 2020
COVID-19 Affecting Many
Activities in Jakarta
Tourism Transportation Education Banking Real Estate and Industry and
International tourist visits Public transportation use Around 320 state/private By April 2020, Non perform- Real estates sector grow Processing industry – 1.47%.
declined by 45.01% to declined by 79% universities are closed ing loan (NPL) gross has by 3.81%.
90%. Domestic departure from 8,850 state/private schools reached 2.89%. Construction sector grow
Around 60 malls in Jakarta dropped by 69% (ranging from TK to SLTA) by 2.41%.
Jakarta are closed Domestic flights to Jakarta are closed
dropped by 67.3%
Hundreds of tutoring
during PSBB restriction. International departure services in Jakarta are
637 hotels are closed from Jakarta declined by closed
during PSBB restriction. 70.4%
6,169 restaurants are International flights to Social Financial Healthcare
closed during PSBB Jakarta dropped by 69%
restriction. 19
1,503 of tourist attrac- Numbers of poor increased by Household consumptions Jakarta’s case fatality rate: 3.9%
remained only 2.84% in the
tions are closed during 1.11%. first quarter. Jakarta’s recovery rate: 63.9%
Positive cases percentage in Jakar-
PSBB restriction. Gini Ratio increased by 0.008%. Export trade by 1.58%. ta: 5.4%
Around 500,000 employees
Music concerts, MICE, are being laid off. Import trade by 2.19%. Test rate: 38,294
seminars, exhibitions,
festivals and sport
events are cancelled.
Tax revenue from hotels, Data Source: Statistics Indonesia (BPS) and other sources
restaurants and enter-
tainment declined by
People’s mobility to
retail shops and
recreation places
dropped to 70%.