Page 17 - MEDIAJAYA EDITION 7 2020
P. 17
MEDIA JAYA | 07 2020
tivities also made significant change:
from the data currated by Bank Indo- Change in Households Shopping Comodities
During COVID-19
nesia, digital transaction in Indone-
sia has increased to 66.48% and the
volume of digital transaction grew by
37.35% during PSBB time. “What we Groceries
need to highlight is the change of con- 51 %
sumer behaviour,” said Amin.
The rise of digital consumers are Health
seen in one of the biggest market- 20 %
place in Indonesia: Tokopedia. They
have an escalation of 2 to 3 millions of Phone/internet credit
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises 14 %
(UMKM) in just a year. “Previously we
need 10 years long to have an addition Food & drinks
of 6 millions partners (of UMKMs),” he 8 %
According to him, the data serves Electricity
as a good news in this pandemic time. 3 %
COVID-19 has triggered the change in
the economic pattern with the UMKM
plays significant role in it. “It means Data source : Survey of Social Demographic Impact
from COVID-19, Statistics Indonesia (BPS).
that the UMKMs are part of this new Infographic/Tommy.K.R
The new trend from offline to on-
line buying also being highlighted can do online shopping,” he said.
in the data currated by e-commerce However, one of the challenges they have to 17
start-up TokoTalk. During April to June face is to provide solution for the citizens who dont
2020 the total of UMKMs registered in get the access to online shopping. In Jakarta, the
this website-producing platform had number is estimated to be 40%. “We need to cut
significantly increased by 38%. The it,” he said.
highest increase coming from UMK- Faransyah also mentioned that the biggest
Ms located in Jakarta, which reached challenge for the UMKMs in Jakarta, specifically,
29%. When we speak is how to make the business owners aware of the
about digital, technology. If they choose to stay and run the busi-
Dare to Change I am sure that ness without technology, they have to face the risk
60% of Jakarta of being displaced gradually. “The UMKM owners
After the COVID-19 pandemic, dig- citizens have need to be brave to move from the traditional way
ital-based business is believed to have online access so of face-to-face shopping to online shopping,” said
more advantages than those who run they can do online Faran.
their business in conventional way. shopping He added that to expand the business with on-
The digital-based business will be line transaction, they will need to do two steps: first
able to expand their market and gain Faransyah Agung of all, they need to use and master social media
more sales. Moreover, they can save Jaya, platforms like Instagram, Facebook or Whatsapp
cost for promoting activities. For the founder of messenger to sell their products so they can move
consumers, the online purchasing will Wiranesia to the next step: to sell their products in market-
help save them from the risk of con- Inkubator places or e-commerce. “By using technology, you
tracting the disease. can still run your business without the need to be
The founder of Wiranesia Inkuba- physically present.”
tor Faransyah Agung Jaya said that According to the data released by the Statistics
this pandemic period can be the right of Jakarta, the total of UMKMs in Jakarta is 1.2 mil-
time to develop UMKMs with digital lions. “Jakarta can be an ideal lead for economic
technology. “When we speak about recovery in Indonesia—only if the UMKM owners
digital, I am sure that 60% of Jakar- dare to shift their business through online activi-
ta citizens have online access so they ties.” he ended. sam/nis