Page 15 - JaKita 02rd Edition 2021
P. 15

TOP REPORT             15

                                                                                                Workers at
                                                                                                Sawah cemetery
                                                                                                handle burial
                                                                                                process for
                                                                                                COVID-19 vic-
                                                                                                tims with strict
                                                                                                health protocols.

          the area of Srengseng Sawah cemetery was           protested because they don’t get informed
          everyone’s favourite place to spend their free     beforehand,” Abdullah explained.
          time: some was exercising, cycling or just sun-
          bathing. In the evening, the area would become     Fortunately,   head    of   Srengseng    Sawah
          more crowded as children played in the child-      subdistrict Adhi Suryo had acted quickly; he
          friendly public space (RPTRA), owned by the        held a discussion with the communities. He
          government of Jakarta.                             invited heads of RW (community units) and
                                                             RT (neighborhood units), numbers of public
          Today, the area of the cemetery becomes a          figures and religious leaders to join. “We seek
          haunted place for the residents. It has horrific   for solutions to relieve their worry,” Adhi told
          views: tired faces of the workers who bury bodies   JaKita.  He  was thankful  the  discussion  was  a
          of COVID-19 victims, along with the hearses        success: the residents eventually accepted the
          that passes by everday. “It frightens us just by   circumstance. “Alhamdulillah, the residents
          hearing the ambulance sirens,” said Abdullah.      finally understood the situation,” said Adhi.

          He could feel sense the fear of every residents.   As busy as everyone else was the task force
          Recently, the area  of Srengseng Sawah             head of 15th Zone at TPU Srengseng Sawah,
          subdistrict is classified as red zone. In the past   Sutandyo.  Since  the  cemetery was set  to  be
          month, there were 116 of the residents who got     COVID-19 burial place, he worked really hard,
          infected by COVID-19.                              watching the burial process handled by his
                                                             staffs. He will only allow the families of the
          Previously, some of the local residents rejected   deceased to watch the burial from a distance.
          the idea of making TPU Srengseng Sawah             “We must supervise  everything,  to prevent
          as burial ground for COVID-19 victims. They        possible cluster of COVID-19 transmission,” he
          came to the subdistrict office to protest. “They   said to JaKita.                          gro/bam

                                                                                                       2nd EDITION 2021
                                                                                       Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
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